Monday, July 28, 2008

Rotary buys field at old ice cream plant

The baseball field formerly known as Ben & Jerry's field has not seen its last inning of Springfield baseball. The Springfield Rotary has purchased the field adjacent to the former Ben & Jerry's plant on Fairbanks Road and plans to renovate it and give it back to the town.

Rotary buys field at old ice cream plant

By BEN BULKELEY, Staff Writer
Twin State Valley Media Network
Thursday, July 28, 2008 6:58 PM

According to Rotary Club President Larry Kraft, the group has been saving funds for a few years until members found the right project. Once the idea was floated for buying and renovating the field, it was passed unanimously.

"One of our main priorities in the Rotary is community service," said Kraft. "We decided to wait until we could find something physical, that would be permanent."

"It also helped that a lot of the guys on the board are former players and coaches," said Kraft, who is also the commissioner for Springfield's two Babe Ruth League teams.

"Just in case we couldn't renovate here, we did look at other places where we might have been able to build a ballpark," said Kraft. "But from the start we always wanted to work with this one, because there is a history here."

When Ben & Jerry's moved out of the complex in 2003, they sold the factory to Ellsworth Ice Cream Inc., and the field was sold to a private developer. The developer had allowed Riverside Middle School to use the field, while the Springfield Parks and Recreation Department took over maintenance duties.

Now that the Rotary has the field, members have big plans.

"If we can, we will want to shift the angle of the field, so that the Babe Ruth League and the high school can use the field," said Kraft. "And if we can't move the field, then maybe we can just push back the fences, except for the left field fence, where we could make a high fence like the green monster."

But Kraft and the Springfield Rotary don't just want to fix the field for elementary schools. If the fences are pushed back, it could substitute for a high school field, a Babe Ruth league field and even possibly an American Legion field. Currently, Springfield players who wish to continue their careers must do so for the Chester American Legion team.

"We also want to add lights, bleachers, possibly a concession stand and maybe even a press box," said Kraft. "When we were down in Brattleboro, they had a PA system, and the kids were so excited to have their names called out when they were called up to bat."

"Maybe in a few years we could add batting cages, or pitching cages, and make this into a full training area," Kraft said. "It really just depends on how the field will be situated if they do decide to shift it.

"In a few years, it could be possible for Springfield to have an American Legion team, and maybe even host tournaments," said Kraft.

Kraft also discussed adding billboards with ads to help build revenue for the project, as well as getting volunteers not only from Rotary, but from the community as well.

"We have enough money to purchase the field, but we will need to do some extra funding for renovations."

Rotary plans to close on the field by late August, with renovations to take place next summer. And when the field is again occupied by players, Rotary members have two requests.

"We want it to remain a baseball field forever," said Kraft. "And we want the name of the field to be 'Rotary Field,' or something along those lines, even though most people will still call it Ben & Jerry's field."

Kraft also believes that the field is another achievement in the development of the North Springfield area.

"Within the last 10 years we have seen numerous improvements around the area," Kraft said. "And when this ballpark is finished it will be another part of that resurgence."

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