Trail work set for 2009 Rutland Herald | January 06, 2009 By SUSAN SMALLHEER Herald Staff SPRINGFIELD - The future $3 million reconstruction and repaving project for Skitchewaug Trail, the last remaining promise the state made to the town in exchange for hosting the new maximum-security prison, is slated to be done this spring or summer. Town Manager Robert Forguites said Monday that he had been told by Agency of Transportation officials that the Skitchewaug Trail project would be put out to bid sometime in January, with construction set to start this spring. He said the state believes the five-mile project could be completed in one construction season. At one time, the project for Route 143, the trail’s official name, was pegged to cost $8 million. But the state rebelled at the high cost and the town was forced to accept a significantly scaled-back project in 2007. The $3 million project requires a 10 percent local match, with the state pitching in the lion’s share at $2.8 million. The reconstruction and repaving of Skitchewaug Trail was included in the contract that the town signed with the administration of former Gov. Howard Dean to host the prison, which opened five years ago. At that time, the Skitchewaug Trail project was estimated at only $750,000. Forguites said the road project will start around the Springfield Family Center and conclude at the intersection with Route 5, about five miles away. He said the most reconstruction work will take place on the hill leading down to Route 5, where he said a “tunnel of trees” keeps the road from drying out. “That’s where most of the reconstruction is going to take place,” the manager said, noting some spots would be “replaned” and repaved, and others simply ditched and repaved. Contact Susan Smallheer at
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Skitchewaug Trail work set for 2009
The future $3 million reconstruction and repaving project for Skitchewaug Trail, the last remaining promise the state made to the town in exchange for hosting the new maximum-security prison, is slated to be done this spring or summer.
Trail work set for 2009 Rutland Herald | January 06, 2009 By SUSAN SMALLHEER Herald Staff SPRINGFIELD - The future $3 million reconstruction and repaving project for Skitchewaug Trail, the last remaining promise the state made to the town in exchange for hosting the new maximum-security prison, is slated to be done this spring or summer. Town Manager Robert Forguites said Monday that he had been told by Agency of Transportation officials that the Skitchewaug Trail project would be put out to bid sometime in January, with construction set to start this spring. He said the state believes the five-mile project could be completed in one construction season. At one time, the project for Route 143, the trail’s official name, was pegged to cost $8 million. But the state rebelled at the high cost and the town was forced to accept a significantly scaled-back project in 2007. The $3 million project requires a 10 percent local match, with the state pitching in the lion’s share at $2.8 million. The reconstruction and repaving of Skitchewaug Trail was included in the contract that the town signed with the administration of former Gov. Howard Dean to host the prison, which opened five years ago. At that time, the Skitchewaug Trail project was estimated at only $750,000. Forguites said the road project will start around the Springfield Family Center and conclude at the intersection with Route 5, about five miles away. He said the most reconstruction work will take place on the hill leading down to Route 5, where he said a “tunnel of trees” keeps the road from drying out. “That’s where most of the reconstruction is going to take place,” the manager said, noting some spots would be “replaned” and repaved, and others simply ditched and repaved. Contact Susan Smallheer at
Trail work set for 2009 Rutland Herald | January 06, 2009 By SUSAN SMALLHEER Herald Staff SPRINGFIELD - The future $3 million reconstruction and repaving project for Skitchewaug Trail, the last remaining promise the state made to the town in exchange for hosting the new maximum-security prison, is slated to be done this spring or summer. Town Manager Robert Forguites said Monday that he had been told by Agency of Transportation officials that the Skitchewaug Trail project would be put out to bid sometime in January, with construction set to start this spring. He said the state believes the five-mile project could be completed in one construction season. At one time, the project for Route 143, the trail’s official name, was pegged to cost $8 million. But the state rebelled at the high cost and the town was forced to accept a significantly scaled-back project in 2007. The $3 million project requires a 10 percent local match, with the state pitching in the lion’s share at $2.8 million. The reconstruction and repaving of Skitchewaug Trail was included in the contract that the town signed with the administration of former Gov. Howard Dean to host the prison, which opened five years ago. At that time, the Skitchewaug Trail project was estimated at only $750,000. Forguites said the road project will start around the Springfield Family Center and conclude at the intersection with Route 5, about five miles away. He said the most reconstruction work will take place on the hill leading down to Route 5, where he said a “tunnel of trees” keeps the road from drying out. “That’s where most of the reconstruction is going to take place,” the manager said, noting some spots would be “replaned” and repaved, and others simply ditched and repaved. Contact Susan Smallheer at
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