# # # # Springfield's Stern to seeks Welch's seat • Rutland Herald • Published: March 23, 2010 • MONTPELIER — Vermont's lone congressman now has an opponent in his re-election bid. • Republican Keith Stern, a small business owner from Springfield, said Monday he will run against U.S. Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt. • Stern says Welch is part of a Washington culture that has set government spending on an unsustainable path. The executive director of the Vermont GOP, Eric Mason, says some other Republicans are also considering challenging Welch. • Stern has run twice previously, as an independent. He says if a stronger Republican emerges, he's likely to throw his support to that person. •
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Springfield's Stern to seek Welch's seat
Vermont's lone congressman now has an opponent in his re-election bid. Republican Keith Stern, a small business owner from North Springfield, said Monday he will run against U.S. Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt.
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