Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Police to alert offender's neighbors

Police and corrections officers will be going door-to-door in Springfield in coming days to alert citizens about a sex offender.


  1. Now if they would just do the same thing everytime they release a convicted drugtrafficker into the community and everytime they release a burglar we might actually see something that would benefit the public. Whatever happened to the notion of having paid ones debt to society.

    1. Do you have any blood left? You are such a bleeding heart liberal

    2. Because they a likely to offend again.

  2. This town is too small. You can WALK from one end to the other in less than an hour. Just put his name, rolling stone photo, and address on the front page of the Rutland Herald and Eagle Times.

    1. Really? You walk fast I guess... The town is almost 50 square miles.

  3. Thanks to the people who supported the Springfield Prison for allowing us to continue our slide into social decay with these "citizens".

    1. Having the prison in town has nothing to do with this case. No matter where he spent his incarceration, he would be coming back to the town where he resided prior to serving his sentence.

  4. Fact: Sex offenders are NEVER cured.

    1. Neither are alcoholics what's your point?

    2. Alcoholics don't handcuff little boys and have their way with them either. What's your point?

  5. So, we can kick small time drug dealers out of their apartments and out of town but we have to keep convicted child molesters? That makes sense,,,,

    1. Keep voting Democrat dummy.....


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