Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Springfield approves both budgets;
taps McNaughton

“I’m going to cry,” School Board Chairwoman Jeanice Garfield said Tuesday night as Town Manager Robert Forguites and Town Clerk Barbara Courchesne announced that both town and school budgets had been approved by comfortable margins.


  1. McNaughton said “Well, it was fun. Now the work starts. We have a lot to do to turn the town around and get the neighborhoods organized.”

    Oh no! He's a "community organizer"!

  2. I am going to cry too Ms. Garfield. I, officially, can no longer afford to live in Springfield. I am happy for you but you are losing one of the top 1/3 taxpayers in town. Ms. Garfield, I am sure that you and Mr. McLaughlin received my correspondance with regards to my concerns about the budget. I tried to email it to you but interestingly, your email was not working. I then faxed my letter to Mr. McLaughlin's office and asked them to share a copy with you (and the other board members as well). Are you going to say that you did not receive it? Here is the thing Ms Garfield, if you and the Board are going to steal from me and my family, I would expect that you would at least have the common decency to respond to my letter. Remember me? You know, the taxpayer? But the truth is you or the Board do not care one bit about the taxpayers of this town. What was it that your little budget pamphlet said? The budget increase was for salaries and benefit costs?!?! (I haven't had a raise in 4 years and my cost of benefits goes up every year too). And it also said that close to 75% of the entire budget is for staff costs. So please tell me again, from your bleeding heart, that it is for the children. Ms. Garfield, if you, or any Board member have the intestinal fortitude to pick up the phone and call me, I would welcome your call. You have my number. Please remember this is not about being against education. This is about making exteremly difficult decisions in horrible economic times. But again, you clearly could care less. You'd prefer to give staff a raise while your very tax base is being foreclosed on. That's forward thinking for you. I am not hiding behind an anonymous key board. My name is Michael Mitchell and I have had enough. This is an open invitation to Ms. Garfield, Mr. McLaughlin and any school Board member. You have my number. Step up to the plate and call me.

  3. Get your facts straight teachers have not had a raise in 3 years. Only the administrators get a raise. Losing teachers does effect the kids. If this failed they would have been forced to cut more teachers. So Mr Mitchell my family is also in that 800 and I will make cuts elsewhere to afford this small increase. If we keep cheating our kids this town will have no future.

    1. @ Anonymous 10:38 AM...I hear what you are saying and I applaud your passion. I am not wanting to debate anyone person, I am simply letting people know how it effects some taxpayers. You are right. The increase is small but I can no longer afford it. It's no longer "the cost of a cup of coffee." And if I have my facts wrong about raises (staff, administrators or teachers), that should have been more clear in the budget pamphlet that was sent out. Regardless, any raise at this time is unacceptable. Again, please understand that I am not anti-teacher or anti-education but we all have to be fiscally responsible and make difficult cuts when we have to. I know you probably don't care, and why should you, but I have made all of the cuts possible. There is nothing more to cut, except my losses.

    2. I can respect that.

    3. check your facts anonymous 3/5/14, 10:38 the teachers in this district have gotten raise's in the last 3 years and they were fairly good ones

  4. George T McNaughton-3/5/14, 10:48 AM

    We now have four members on the Selectboard who want to move Springfield forward, Christi, Peter, Stephanie, and myself. Please help us with positive ideas. Thanks!

    1. Congratulations George. Looking forward to the conversations ahead! Thank you to the Town for the support of the budget and special articles.

  5. One thing should be made a little more clear: the school budget was not cut by 1M. Maybe the dream list was 1M short, but the reality is that the budget is basically the same as last year, meaning it was not increased. If the budget was in fact cut by 1M, it would be that much less than last years budget, which it is not. Make sense??

    The school plays these word games every year, which may be one reason the budget usually fails.

    As for Knoras, his outlandish comments made it quite clear he has no right to be representing anyone.

  6. Aethelred the Unready3/5/14, 1:49 PM

    “People are perhaps looking for change,” [Morris] added. Really? What was your first clue?

  7. You can't always get what you want
    You can't always get what you want
    You can't always get what you want
    But you got it this year and I bet next year too !
    You did your job and got what you want.
    You got what you want
    You got what you want

  8. Here is a good question:

    The VERMONT LOTTERY claims its "earnings" go to the school systems.
    Is this true, if so, how much did Springfield get ??

    1. It goes to the Vermont education fund. Not schools

  9. BOHICA, Springfield taxpayers! BOHICA!


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