Friday, October 31, 2014

Chester death defendant loses attorney

The attorney for a Springfield man implicated in the 2008 shooting death of Vincent Tamburello in Chester has dropped his client.


  1. Proof that even rats will abandon a sinking ship.

  2. Will this thing ever just go away?

    1. When they lock the murderers up for good!

    2. Nice to hear from the Tamburello family once again. You certainly seem to have a "hold" on John Lavoie, whom used tactics that event he Vermont Supreme Court found unfair. It seems only you and Lavoie think that "Vinnie" had anything to do with this mess. I personally have no dogs in this fight. I'm tried of seeing my tax dollars going to this mess created by two or three dopes. Sorry if I'm breaking any news to the Tamburello family but all parties involved here were trouble makers, had drug issues and, well if said correctly were / are punks. Murder? They pick a fight at a softball field with several witnesses in sight, that alone says it all. The guns involved were locked in a truck, Bolaski approached Vinnie's car on foot across the parking lot. Now I was not there so I don't know how far apart the vehicles were. That being said Bolaski locked the truck, Vinnie sat in a car. Where things go from there have been gone over many times. My understanding of murder is something that is pre-meditated. Both went to meet at this "out of the way" place loaded with witnesses with weapons in their cars. But both being punks they could not settle it with fist but by trying to intimate the other with weapons. Dumb and dumber now have no idea what they are doing other than acting out for the crowd. And before you know it someone is dead, very unfortunate for both families. Murder? I have a hard time with that. Manslaughter? I can see that.

      Now as for anyone other than these two they are on their own. Sounds like Arbuckle chose to jump into the fray last minute, he was not caught up in the moment and chose to be a punk himself. Most importantly to the youth of our area, take a good look at what drugs can do for you. Inflated egos, courage without thought, petty squabbles and destroyed families. And all this between to young men that never met before that Sunday afternoon. Murder? No. Sad? Yes, very sad.

    3. Shooting someone crawling away from you ain't murder? Me thinks Perry Mason needs to change the name to BOZO!

    4. dumb basted should have never brought an axe to a gun fight!

    5. well somebody comes swinging an axe towards me id shoot him as many times as i felt necessary! Well or till he stop moving! just saying!!


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