A Springfield man who is on probation for a recent domestic violence conviction has been ordered held without bail, after he allegedly shoved his way into a woman’s apartment in Cavendish at midnight.

Published November 12, 2014 in the Rutland Herald
New fracas jails man on probation
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Springfield man who is on probation for a recent domestic violence conviction has been ordered held without bail, after he allegedly shoved his way into a woman’s apartment in Cavendish at midnight and then created a commotion in the parking lot outside her apartment building.
Aaron Fitzgerald, 23, entered innocent pleas to three felony counts of unlawful trespass into an occupied dwelling, second-degree unlawful restraint and aggravated domestic assault, and to an accompanying misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct.
Fitzgerald reacted angrily on Monday afternoon after Judge Karen Carroll announced she was ordering him held without bail. For the next half-hour Fitzgerald could be heard at intervals from inside the courtroom as he slammed the bars on the holding cell at the back of the courthouse, and sheriff’s deputies shouted at him to stop.
Last December, Fitzgerald was convicted of misdemeanor domestic assault, a charge that has been amended down from the felony that had originally been filed, for pushing his then-girlfriend’s head into a wall and placing her in a choke hold while threatening to kill her. At the time, he was given a 9-to-18 month sentence with all but 88 days of that suspended with the balance on probation.
In the latest incident, which Vermont State Police Trooper Bryson Lunderville said happened after midnight Monday morning on Depot Street in Cavendish, Fitzgerald allegedly forced his way into the apartment of Stacy Wood, 24, who described herself as a friend of Fitzgerald’s. She had briefly allowed him to stay at her residence last month when he was having housing difficulties.
Wood told police that, after not having seen Fitzgerald for a week, he showed up in a rage and allegedly forced her back into a bathroom where he yelled at her for several minutes despite the presence of a 2-year-old who was sleeping in the adjoining room.
“Aaron Fitzgerald forced himself into my apartment. I didn’t invite him in. I asked him to leave. He was being very vulgar and very intoxicated. He threw me on the floor of my bathroom,” Wood wrote in a sworn statement that was filed with the court. “I again asked him to please leave because I didn’t want him waking up my son, but he continued to yell and woke up my son. He was being very loud outside yelling and screaming, disturbing people that were sleeping,” Wood concluded.
Lunderville said when he arrived at the apartment building, he found Fitzgerald “stomping down the middle of the street” next to a trail of clothing and “puddles of alcohol” that led from the building to Wood’s car, which appeared to have just had its driver’s side window smashed out.
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