Thursday, February 26, 2015

Teachers defend small Vt. schools

Springfield's Alison Sylvester was one of several teachers who offered their thoughts to the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday on proposals to overhaul the governance structures of the state’s nearly 300 school districts to create fewer, larger districts.


  1. If a small town loses its schools, it loses its life blood. Everything that follows this demise is pretty ugly.

  2. The school district and others need more educators like Alison. (Kelly Burton)

  3. What the educators are scared of is that their system, their way of life will change and they will lose some of the "freedoms" that they have been accustomed to over the years. I think the bill is right on track. It lessens the burden on the townspeople and it allows the state to have better control over loose cannon educators that do as they please as opposed to following the law. We have seen that issue time and time again in this system in our town and it is time for a change. How many times is this school system going to be allowed to not follow the law before the axe comes down? If a person is a good educator then they are a great educator. This will help weed out some of the riff raff and it will help to balance an ever increasing school budgetary system that has become out of sorts for a great many years. I am all for this State proposal and I think it will be good because it puts the responsibility more unto the state for programs that we lack rather than beat up our own who are trying to make a difference. It is all how you look at it. The glass is half full or half empty. I cant understand WHY New Englanders are so afraid of change. Change can be a wonderful thing.

  4. I agree anon 11:27. I think it allows us residents to become WE THE PEOPLE should any cuts in classes or instruction come up. Then we have a collective voice to talk back to the state Dept of Ed and ask wth. You promised savings which should afford our kids with French, or Russian or AP or honors etc. I think of it as collective bargaining since we would increase the parent and family base in a school system. There is nothing worse to a politician than a whole lot of angry parents calling foul on them.

  5. chuck gregory3/2/15, 7:29 PM

    11:27 and 7:51, one thing we have to look out for is for-profit "charter school" and "school choice" operations mounting campaigns to make the parent and family base angry at public education.

    They have recognized that the biggest piece of the monetary pie left in any state is its public education funding, and they are out to rip it off any way they can. True, there are some good charter schools-- but the bad ones are easy to identify even before they get approved.

    1. You are truly delusional. You see enemies and conspirators against your socialist, state-imposed solutions behind every tree and between every line. You should have moved to the Soviet Union so you could have lived the "worker's dream" before it all imploded of its own massive flaws.

    2. chuck gregory3/5/15, 7:57 PM

      Start with this, then get back to me, 5:06:


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