Friday, July 17, 2015

Man faces felony choking charges

A North Springfield man is facing felony charges after his wife reported to police that he repeatedly choked her in front of their young children to the point that she was coughing up blood.


  1. Karma is real. This man robbed me for $100.00 while I was working with him and David Rounds here in Springfield, VT about 13 yrs. ago. Yeah, I knew him, he is violent. Enjoy your new Felony Westley, woman abuser! gigity, gigity!!!!

    1. Yeah he owes me $25 too! Let's get a lynch mob together and GET EVEN!

    2. Consider your $25 well spent. I am happy. He obtained a felony. As we know, this will hinder him for many years to come. Like I said......"Karma".

    3. Nate Webster from North Springfield likes to use other peoples names, not cool Nate, when will you grow up?

  2. What happened to the children. Hope dcf is seeing this.

  3. Choking is something you do when you don't chew your food properly. What has happened here is called strangulation and should be noted as such.

  4. Not to mention that he walked in on his wife having sex on the couch with another man for the second time in 6 month but that is not reported.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Westley Blake had all charges dropped because it was all fabricated, look it up you smart Springfield blog you


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