# # # # Tour of Springfield Vermont on Horseback • As usual lately, I am behind on my posting. Here's a trip Zoe and I took downtown on Valentine's Day, astride the dynamic duo - Keri and Teasel of course. I am dedicating this post to my Dad .. not because he particularly likes horses or going downtown -- but because he always liked this song.... which I will admit, even though I agreed with him it was a nice song - at my age back then.. it was typically a Dad embarrassing a teen daughter with nerdy song choices. :) And hopefully, the song player to the right will spew out Petula's hit song.. Downtown. :) • Sunday is not our usual day to ride this year - but Zoe came over early on Valentine's Day.. helped me finish up chores so we could get in the saddle for a journey downtown -- a just for fun do something different expedition. I am not sure why all these truck drivers are not home on a Lover's Sunday.. but we saw quite a few of these Price Chopper trucks on the road. • In order to trot through the town proper, we turned up Hospital Hill - • Springfield Vermont is a kind of depressed and forgotten little gone by mill town curiously bi-sected and di-sected by many rivers and streams - the biggest of which is the Black River. Sometimes the water runs under the many old buildings and storefronts. There are lots of steep hills within town, lots of bridges, a small main street where a few years back - we had the honor of hosting the Simpson's, a big block party and the movie premiere. During 18 seasons of The Simpsons TV series, the fictional Springfield's location had never been identified. Several of the Springfields across the nation made videos to defend their case for being considered Homer's "real" hometown. Now we know-- it IS here.. Springfield Vermont. So that little tidbit might just give you a clue of the town I live in :) • The many dividing rivers and brooks and the hills and valleys have created sections of neighborhoods, each with its own community market with all the necessities and a butcher shop. • Completely off topic - have you ever seen an automobile so small ? I had to snap a photo.. a true sardine can on wheels. • Down a steep and narrow Park Street - over the bank is the elementary school.. used to be the high school. My children attended here - from 4th grade until they were old enough for 'middle' school. • Keri stops for a moment to take a look at the Elks club. • We enter more of the 'business' section of the town - with all its old buildings.. many of them abandoned. In a way it's too bad as they are examples inside of some fine architecture. • We can look across the river at the back side of Main Street - the river is between. The Miller Art Center is up on the hill with the big pillars. • Cross the Park Street bridge, which was re-modeled to allow for a better touristy view of the river. You can see how the main part of town is divided with a noisy series of waterfalls - now frozen. They are called Comtu Falls - Great Noise. • The main intersection of downtown Springfield. I have seen photo's of this area from the past with the old hotel (since burned down) -- the stabling area for horses with hitchrails along the front. No evidence of that era now. The movie theater which featured the Simpson's premiere burned down. I guess there is talk of restoring it. • Along the storefronts of town. Usually, when we trot downtown - we travel on the other side, but I want to stay on the side of the river today. Just ahead - it is not so noticeable unless on horseback or walking, but another river crosses under main street to meet the Black River. In our town, the store fronts continually change.. businesses struggle here perhaps with the New Hampshire no sales tax law-- everyone shops there. • Here's a newcomer -- 802 Music.. with bands, pizza, and coffee all organized by young locals. Is this a modern rendition of the 'coffee house' of the 60's ? I think so. More metal than Buffy Ste. Marie though. • There was once an ancient old tall building here- quite a raggedy building where Tony the Barber was located along with the requisite barber pole-- is that a cliche or what ?? I have known so many Tony the Barber's in my day ! • One year Springfield took on a large "pretty up the town" project.. re-located the building's residents - one of whom was an elderly woman who daily walked a large herd of motley dogs through town. ... and razed the building, built this 'park'. Trading in one town legend for a new one. • It does give a nice view of the river here - look how frozen it is. I am always amazed by how all those buildings back directly up to the river. Humans just don't let much get in the way of their plans sometimes, and build over, under - where-ever. • Pedestrian bridge to gain access to the Fellows Gear Shaper building. This old building once employed almost half of Springfield's then population. You can see more falls -- • Just about done with our Tour of Springfield by horseback... up ahead is North Springfield - where over the years has gone through some big developments. We will turn left, past McDonald's and the Plaza -- cross yet another bridge and head home on the highway. • it's clear sailing now -- an interesting trek for something different. • video • Enjoy ~ •
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A Tour through Springfield on horseback
Usually, when we trot downtown - we travel on the other side, but I want to stay on the side of the river today. Just ahead - it is not so noticeable unless on horseback or walking, but another river crosses under main street to meet the Black River. In our town, the store fronts continually change...
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