Friday, October 15, 2010

The Race to Victory makes a pit stop in Springfield

At a two hour luncheon, State Senator Phil Scott openly answered questions about his racing career, candidacy for Lt. Governor, and the infamous green cow.                                       The Race to Victory makes a pit stop in Springfield  •  The Compass, October 15  • Senator Phil Scott joined Springfield residence for a two hour luncheon at the highly recommended Cooper's restaurant on River street. Phil openly answered questions about his racing career, candidacy for Lt. Governor, and the infamous green cow. Phil designed and built the number 14 racing cow himself. He fully equipped it with a real race style seat and moving steering wheel. It has been stealing attention across the state and will proudly remain in the back of Phil's truck all they way to election day.  •  On the first of November Phil and the racing cow will set off on a lucky number 14 tour. Pay attention to this numerologists, it is a 14 county tour, that will be completed in 14 hours, and each stop will host a 14 minute sign wave. This number 14 race car driver will make 14 stops before landing in the... get this, number 14 office of the Lt. Governor. Add to that that Vermont was the 14th state to join the union and it has to mean something good for Phil Scott.  •  (submitted by Elizabeth Coppola.)  •  

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