Thursday, April 7, 2011

Opinion: Seize the opportunity

Why doesn’t Springfield compete with Chester to do business with thousands of visitors traveling between I-91 and Okemo Mountain Resort?


  1. What on earth would be here to entice ANYONE to stop? I understand that you think your town is the end all be all but here is a newsflash. It is not. It is the armpit of the nation and that is being nice. Take a look around at what is walking your streets daily.

  2. A lot of the places are closed, when going through Springfield and any places of interest are in North Springfield, just before the intersection of 10 and 106, the little group of stores across the road from the convenience store /gas station .

  3. This is something that people have been talking about for YEARS, but all efforts have been shot down by the town. Springfield needs to realize that it's not a "machine town" any longer and has to actually rise to meet the expectations of out of state travelers in 2011 and beyond. It CAN be enticing, it CAN be a beautiful place to live and visit...if the town stops denying new business ventures and the residents step up and not tolerate the garbage that has been moving in.

  4. There are a lot of positive things happening in town, one is the renovation of the Gear Shaper building, yes it's taking awhile but it will be beautiful when it's finished. Another thing is the movie theater which is moving along as scheduled and will open this summer. There are organizations in town made up of dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring new business to the downtown area, and create family fun events that will appeal to locals as well as draw visitors to the downtown (watch for a summer festival in August and later this year a "Casino night" associated with First Fridays). So, my suggestion to you is if you don't like what you see in the town, be the change you're hoping for, it starts with YOU. We have a beautiful town that could be really great if YOU would only get involved (there are many civic groups that would love to have you as a volunteer). What could YOU do to make a positive change in Springfield? Think about it, and then take action. Being positive, like a smile, is contagious.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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