Monday, May 30, 2011

School Board delays contract vote

The Springfield Teachers Association will have to wait until another week for its contract to be renewed. That’s because the School Board did not believe the agenda item was warned properly.


  1. Yep! That sounds like the Springfield School Board to me!

  2. Well unfortunatly parents HAVE TO get involved and request that the staff be extended to 40 hours PERIOD. Why do this over a period of time. The teaching staff has to be held accountable for the failing school. The voters also need to know that this will mean the school board budget will increase AGAIN. Driving up property taxes again. Financial cuts HAVE to be made from the top down. What a joke this district is. MORONS

  3. You know what kills me? This district is failing miserably, everyone ignores it instead of filing complaints with the state Dept of Ed or the Federal Dept of Ed and they just let these hustlers who run the school district and schools to keep their jobs. Wow I wish I could work a 30 something hour week, get the summer off , every holiday and still get paid while not doing my job. Plain and simple the kids are failing and so is the school. These kids are going to end up blue collar workers, living from paycheck to paycheck or worse yet welfare recipients taxing the system. I cant wait until the residents see the next school budget come out. Keep screwing yourselves everyone. Its only your tax money (which incidentally now your paying for public services and then getting charged for it AGAIN) see that story on the new crash tax.


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