Saturday, September 17, 2011

Health, privacy are concerns at smart-meter hearing

As Vermont’s electric utilities prepare to install “smart meters” on every home and business tied to the grid, some residents are warning regulators of health and privacy issues that may accompany the new technology.

1 comment :

  1. And like sand through an hourglass
    so ends the United States of America by the death of 1 thousand cuts.

    can anybody say Facism....

    Who's gonna have there hand down your pants now
    THEY will tell YOU what you can and can't use..

    These HARVEST FARMERS are preventing you from using free electricity.
    They make you buy it from them, and now they will have you rationed.
    Do you know what triage is? How about triage in a facist environment.
    How about facist electrical triage.
    Let alone the screw ball breach of privacy that will leave you asking a microphone to please turn your lights back on so you can reach the toilet paper (after they except an electrical voice signature on a second mortgage, oh but don't worry YOU CAN DO THAT FROM THE TOILET TOO).
    Darn socialists... Freedom is still alive here.
    Your monopoly of power hidden through bonds with the state will end.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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