Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Roads are focus of budget talk

One thing everyone agreed about at a recent meeting: The condition of Springfield’s roads is only getting worse.


  1. I note that the road to the "Springfield Prison" is in outstanding condition, which only goes to show you where the priorities of both town and state lie -- and they are not with the decent working and law abiding folks.

    Springfield's incompetent leaders have been paving the town's "road to ruin" for the past 30+ years, without any accountability or innovation. The real "potholes" that need to be fixed reside in the town's government. Their only solution has been to pile on the backs of taxpayers for more money out of their increasingly slim wallets or to sell the town's soul for a few million dollars from the state and decades of stigma as a "prison town". Despicable!

  2. It is very simple. When a pot hole is fixed right the hole should be cut square to insure that the loose asphalt is removed then clean the debris. Tamper the soil then fill with filler patch. Proceed to tamper the patch and compack it properly. If it is not done right well we see the results here in Springfield. The Forman should then inspect and sign off on the job. Oh no accountability !! Something that is missing here in the town right now.



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