Sunday, January 1, 2012

Big puppy dog for a good home  -  Jan 01, 2012
This is one big, goofy, sweetie pie! Her name is Sophie, and she is a 1 year old grey brindle Cane Corso Mastiff. Rescued from a Brooklyn, NY Shelter when she was slated to be euthanized.

10 Reasons to Adopt a Big Dog

If you adopt a big dog…

10: You’ll get more for your money. Doggie daycare, boarding facility, and pet sitter fees are the same as for small dogs.

9: Your kids won’t need to pester you to play Frisbee with them.

8: You’ll have an exercise machine that’s more fun than a treadmill.

7: You’ll save the cost of a security alarm system.

6: You can disguise it with a human mask and use the carpool lanes.

5: You’ll have a running partner that doubles as a bodyguard.

4: You won’t have to carry it around like a purse. It can walk on its own…and even carry a small child.

3. You’ll have a magnet for attracting a lot of attention on the street, in the park, at the beach…

2. Guests won’t stay long because it takes up the entire sofa.

And the number 1 reason to adopt a big dog:

You’ll have a warm body for snuggling when your spouse is in the dog house.

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