Friday, January 13, 2012

Budget group recommends 10 percent cut

The Springfield Budget Advisory Committee has recommended cutting the proposed $9.9 million town budget by 10 percent.


  1. Amen and kudos to the eight members of the Springfield Budget Advisory Committee who have the courage to do what Springfield's complacent town fathers won't!

    It's time to take back Springfield from the hands of its current listless leaders and this is a good start!

  2. It's not enough

  3. Let's take a look at the cuts that need to be taken. First, we Do NOT need new equipment, there are cuts that could be made at parks and rec. We dont need two individuals running parks and rec. This is a town of 5-9k not Nashua or other large metropolis. The job could be done with one individual and one part-time employee at the very most.

    Here is a novel approach..other than the needed employee cuts, how about asking the town employees to take mandatory furlough days, here is a note to those union people who wanna fight that...either take mandatory days or we will cut XX amount of individuals completely. The option for unpaid furlough days is by far better since each employee retains their job and position.

    So far as insurance contributions, that needs to be re-worked completely. Yes, employees should pay up to 25% if not lets look at other health plans with less coverage and lower costs. That is the option employees have. If you want good coverage then you will have to pay more just like the rest of the country and if not we change our plan with either higher deductables or less overall coverage. That is a benefit NOT a required item for an employer.

    We should also look at lowering the comptroller and other individual pay rates. It is a great service each does Im sure however, we could hire out of college qualified applicants for half the cost in this economy. Highest paid should be first out just like in corporate America at this time of economic uncertainty.

    I know these are hard things for the town and select board to face but the time has come to use business sense instead of hiring and voting in our neighbors or former school mates because we like them. That isnt enough anymore and strict reform and spending cuts are drastically needed in this town for it to survive.

    1. the senior center director should go; the town bought a scanner for her but she seldom uses it to update the website; what was the point; also, the place is usually staffed by senior volunteers as she is always out.

      as far as the unions, the town hall personnel are the ones who really need a union

  4. Did I read that right, town employees only pay 3% towards their health insurance? Wow, are they hiring?

  5. the senior center director should go; the place is usually staffed by senior volunteers because she is so often out; the town paid for a scanner for her for updating the website and that is seldom used.
    as far as the unions, the town hall personnel are the ones whom need a union


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