Friday, January 13, 2012

Bolaski sentenced

Kyle Bolaski will serve 25 years to life for the killing of Vincent Tamburello Jr. in a Chester park in August 2008.


  1. Its about time...Should have got the chair. An eye for an eye!

  2. Springfield's Restorative Justice administrator, Wendi Germain, has petitioned the court for a sentencing review. In lieu of the 25-life sentence, Germain proposes community service. Such service to consist of playing with pets at the animal shelter, mentoring students, and signing a form letter of apology.

    1. This woman is a friggin idiot and needs to take her do gooding ideals elsewhere. I could only hope that she would lose a child to murder or rape and then ask her how she feels about the animal who took that loved ones life.

    2. Whoa, bring it down a notch. Even "idiots" don't deserve murder wished on their families.

    3. Wendi said no such thing, if you have to make up things to make your point than you don't have a point at all.

  3. Is she kidding me?? Play with pets at the shelter?? What does the Tamburello family get to play with? Bolaski would be mentoring students? In what class?? Target shooting??

    He should be sitting in a cell, with a mural of Tamburello's face on every wall, as his daily reminder of what he did.

    1. It was obvious sarcasm idiot.

  4. leagalize marijuana.

    Save a life, it may be one of our own.

    Fire Wendi too. / murder is when you have gone to far.

    perhaps this guy should do 25 @ the 1/2 way house.

    where do you go from here ??

    listen to Wendi... write an apology letter. WTF??

  5. Wow! Talk about dumb meets dummer, this is it. Does anyone reading this not understand sarcasm? I didn't write it but since I can read above a fourth grade level I get it!

    Maybe someone on this blop can look into Wendi under another story line and spare the Bolaski family. I think as a family they are suffering enough and Wendi has nothing to do with this. I do agree that her operation needs to be looked into, we have enough headaches in this town without adding more. I guess this is the problem with being a charming Vermont village!

  6. Robert Sands was removed.

    Wendi needs to keep her nose out of everything. Can you imagine how the victims feel knowing this? Why does she need to get involved with justice served? There is no room for superiorty unless you are the judge.

  7. This sickens me. All this could have been prevented had our police done something about this as well. Yet were only hearing about what there doing now because its budget time. Bolaski defended himself plain and simple. Vinnie was a wacko he shoulda been locked up along time ago. I know if someone is coming at me and my friends and family with an AX I would have shot them too. Now we should throw a pity party for this guy please. He was nuts just like it was broadcasted over MTV how off his rocker his brother Chirs was as well. I applaude Bolaski and anyone else who has the balls to defend themselves against the insane people we have walking around that noone does anything about.

  8. Let's leave both these families alone no one won here, sadly lives have been destroyed. One is dead and the other will spend his young adult life in jail. Families torn apart both have to deal with their losses. No winners.


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