Monday, January 30, 2012

Police on drug prowl target green plates

“If there’s Vermont plates in Holyoke, they’re here buying drugs, they’re not tourists,” says Holyoke, Massachusetts Police Captain Arthur Monfette.

Police on drug prowl target green plates


  1. Wow, I know many people that travel to Holyoke to shop.. Many of whom don't do drugs. That is quite the statement from that guy.

  2. They ask when posting to try and think of something constructive...Well I can't and to bad this guy is an officer..let aline a Capt...

  3. So my 63 year old mother is a drug dealer? I just thought she liked to shop at Holyoke mall. Wow, all this time I thought she was on the up and up.

  4. I never knew this was the attitude toward vermonters, i shop there often but perhaps i should be taking my business to NH instead where i won't be discriminated against.

  5. Vt VolleyBall Star1/30/12, 11:01 PM

    Let's ALL go to HOLYOKE !!!!!!

    Thousands of VT PLATES !!!!

    If anyone gets pulled over.... See how many times you can say the word MEOW to the Cop.
    Keep an honest score, .
    Prizes will be awarded after the Volley Ball Ban is lifted


    1. Ingleside Mall Rat1/30/12, 11:15 PM

      MEOW @ Vt Volleyball star!!

      The summer Olympics are going to be great !!

      my parents have been bringing me to Ingleside since I was a kid. I think they even have a J.C. Penny's card.

      I like the glass elevator and the food court !

      meow !

    2. Pink Doughnut Smuggler1/30/12, 11:28 PM

      how about, if we get pulled over, we sing

      "you can get anything you want
      at Alice's Restaurant!"

      With A Straight Face Of Course!!

    3. I about peed laughing at Vt Volley Ball Stars post. Don't forget to videotape with phone or camera so we can see the cops face the whole time... HAHA..

  6. Okay be many times have you seen someone with Mass plates in town and thought the same thing. I know I have.

    1. I have thought that way when youngsters from NY or Mass have come into town driving upscale, high priced vehicles. Either they are spoiled brats with rich parents or they are doing something illegal to get that kinda money. That is being honest.

  7. Drugs are hurting families near you. Holyoke has been known for this for many years. They are not talking about the cars going to the malls, they are talking about the ones going downtown. There are so many drugs in Springfield and a lot of them are coming from Mass. It needs to stop. Stop discouraging efforts.

  8. re: Holyoke Police Capt. Arthur Monfette said, “If there's Vermont plates in Holyoke, they're here buying drugs, they're not tourists.”

    With the exception of the mall, restaurants, and hotel immediately adjacent to the interstate exit, I'm inclined to agree with Capt. Monfette.

    My work takes me into the bowels of Holyoke. A side of the city few mall shoppers ever experience. It's an absolute human cesspool. Hordes of racially diverse dregs loitering about during the work day. Legions of tattooed, teenaged girls with babies. Gas stations and convenience stores staffed by the rudest, non English speaking Pakis that refuse to give directions. Boarded up store fronts. Junk and stripped cars on vacant lots. Burned out tenement buildings. Endless, abandoned mill buildings. Nearly every wall smeared with graffiti. Garbage everywhere.

    Come to think of it, it's a lot like Springfield's future!

  9. Hey Massh0les,

    You have the Ingleside Mall, we don't, and therefore often head that way to shop for things other than drugs. Actually its the other way around. Often if there is a Mass plate in Vermont, they are selling drugs, not tourists. Monfette can get bent.


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