Monday, February 20, 2012

Report: CVPS smart grid a model for other utilities

The Vermont Law School’s Institute for Energy and the Environment released a 32-page report on Monday, “CVPS SmartPower: A Smart Grid Collaboration in Vermont”. The report said the plan is to install 2,200 smart meters each week until all meters are replaced by the end of the year. CVPS is just beginning to install them now.


  1. Big SISTER's X-boyfriend2/20/12, 8:26 PM


    falling prey to nazi planning like so many other states in our union 2/20/2012 -witness.

    This article says the guy who worked on the report at Vermont Law School about smart meters

    Kevin Jones,

    worked with CVPSC in the 1990s.

    I guess they don't teach "Conflict of Interest"
    at The Vermont Law School

    seriously, unless this article is fake like an April fools joke, I must admit, good reporting ?
    The author has shed light on shadow creating hope.

    Smart meters are bad. You need to know the evil agenda of why they are being implemented.
    Illegal wire tapping.
    They get to lay off meter readers. for ever.
    Not that you'll care, you'll be essentially labotomised.
    Predictive advertising and leading you or herding you like cattle.

    It is more than
    liars lying to the public about their health
    and higher electric bills with no savings.

    watch it happen to your neighbors if your lucky enough to save yourselves.

    it is ONLY about the money and controling you.

    1. Agrees 100% with Big Sisters Ex Boyfriend2/21/12, 8:47 AM

      I have to agree with above poster, we all need to wake up and look at the big picture. We are one family that is going to save ourselves. A lot of stuff is going down all over the US and we may be safer here in Vermont, but not for long. Just wait and see.

  2. I'm choosing to OPT OUT!! If they're so safe, WHY are they removing them in California and putting BACK the analog meters??


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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