Monday, March 5, 2012

Ron Paul Supporters Aiming for an Electoral Coup in Vt.

Paul supporters here recognize that it's unlikely they will win the state but they still believe they have a chance to be competitive. In order for Paul to get any delegates in the Green Mountain State on Super Tuesday, he needs to crack 20 percent statewide according to Vermont Republican Party rules.


  1. Ron Paul is a nutcase. Truly.

    1. Yes, because serving corporations, spending without regard to the spiraling national debt and going after oil rich nations is the only SANE way for our politicians to act in modern times like these.

    2. RON PAUL IS A NUT3/6/12, 3:12 PM

      Yes, he wants 'small government' as long as it means unfettered, unregulated gains by the top .01% and as long as they can still regulate women's bodies.
      Other than a few marginal issues, Ron Paul is disturbing to anyone with common sense who can look beyond a few issues to see what lies beneath. SCARY.

  2. RON PAUL IS A NUT3/6/12, 3:10 PM

    PLEASE STOP WITH THE RON PAUL CRAP. YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL. MUST BE A FOX (aka "Faux") NEWS AFFILIATE- Pretending to be "News" when in fact you are a very prejudiced participant.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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