Saturday, June 22, 2013

Community forum in Springfield follows drug sweep

A community meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Riverside Middle School to discuss the recent drug raid in Springfield and surrounding towns.


  1. Mark my words, Wendi Germain will use this exercise as means to further line her Center's pockets from the backs of hard working, law abiding, tax payers.

    The last thing this community needs is methadone clinic or additional, funded services for criminals. Services that have proven to attract the dregs of the Earth.

    What hasn't been addressed is how the many criminals rounded up this week funded their illegal drug purchases. Like myself, hundreds of innocent people have had their vehicles and homes ransacked. Getting their photos and full bios published online here would be powerful tool in threat identification.

    I'm appealing to the administrator here to make that happen ASAP.

  2. I am fine with a clinic but NOT in town! Drug addicts are not in control of their actions. Putting something like that near businesses and residences is giving the addicts an open invitation to steal from vehicles and break into businesses when the craving hits them.

    By all means find a way to help those who want to help themselves, but put it at least five miles out of town, like out on Skitchweaug trail.

  3. Put the clinic out by the interstate at the jail. Lock up the addicts that use illegally. Send them to Kentucky to serve out their sentence. While this goes on, put a residency requirement of at least two years before somebody can collect Vermont Welfare. Quit making it do easy for these people to ruin our state.

    1. This is the first good idea I've heard in a very long time.

    2. I really like the residency requirement. But doesn't sending them out of state to do their time cost us more money?

  4. I just wish all the drug dealers would stay behind bars. To have a HUGE sweep like this only to see them back at it is disappointing. It's not very reassuring. My hat goes off to our police. I just wish the law was different

  5. I do not see anything in this article about a methadone clinic. What are you basing your statements on that this is being supported.

  6. Why were most of them back on the streets of Springfield right after the bust? Was that the judge or the prosecutor? I'm sure it wasn't the defense attorney.

  7. Why how about a solution instead of standing back to admire the problem and complain. In Switzerland they stopped jailing addicts and just sentence them to a state funded methadone or heroin shot everyday. Drug related crimes have gone way down and giving a shot every day is a lot cheaper than jail. In China if you are caught selling drugs you are sentenced death and killed with in days of being caught. Maybe we need to think about it, clearly jail or the threat of jail is not working and is costing way more then we want to pay.

  8. re: "clearly jail or the threat of jail is not working"

    The fact that most of these criminals were out walking the streets within hours of their arrest disproves the threat of jail as a deterrent. Even if convicted, doubtful any jail time will be served. Note other story on this blog.

    As both I, and other family members that have had property stolen to support an addict, I have absolutely no qualms about my tax dollars being used to keep them off the streets. The expense is a bargain compared to losses endured by the community. And as far as rehabilitation here's the thing, I don't care.

    Oh, and kudos to this blog's administrator for posting photos of these criminals. Will now be condition one in their presence.


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