Tuesday, July 2, 2013

SWCRPC receives $200,000 grant for Bryant Grinder building cleanup

SWCRPC receives $200,000 grant for Bryant Grinder building clean up.


  1. Nice... more free money. Typical poor town

  2. Really? Are Burlington, Montpelier and Brattleboro also "Poor towns?"


  3. Love to see all of the public monies used to clean up the town while at the same time they are bent on massively polluting the town's people with the smog from the soon to be built wood burning power plant. It is all about the money. It always is.

  4. As executive director of GOPGS (Gratuitous and Obscenely Profitable Grant Studies) I'm pleased to announce we have also been awarded $200K to study that big building on Clinton street.

    Before proceeding was necessary to finance our new company vehicle, remodel my, aw, I mean company home office, and put my associate on the payroll.

    Understand that like the countless grant studies on the J&L building, this is only a preliminary exploration. We will undoubtedly be applying for additional monies before any viable findings can be submitted.

    Again I wish to thank all those low information voters, aw, I mean forward thinking individuals for keeping Montpelier and Washington spewing out bazillions of dollars to keep me from having to find a real job. God forbid, the property was just auctioned off to the high bidder and a 20 year tax free incentive was issued to attract a major employer. Whew, that would be disastrous to my firm.


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