Saturday, August 10, 2013

Drug convict to get back cellphone, cash

A teenager identified as a member of the "Jersey Boys" gang that has been the focus of a police crackdown in the Springfield area won a small victory in court this week.


  1. I'm sure the cellphone will still work in 10 years. As for the $ it will have been devalued by then to about $10.

  2. So happy to see my tax money being used wisely in Vermont. REALLY? Why on earth are these charges being dropped down at all? For God's sake hit em everything but the kitchen sink and word will get out that there is NO Bargaining down charges and they will go to a different state to do their business.

    Write your representatives (minus our local since she is on the corrections committee) and tell them NO MORE. If they want to be re-elected then they better convict to the max these dealers!

  3. I seriously laugh everyday at this joke of a state that I used to live in.

  4. Why don't they use "his" money to pay for his stay in jail? I'm so sick of this state not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings. Make his cell phone a contact list of who's who in the drug world.


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