Monday, February 10, 2014

Nude photos sent to teens cost guard job

A Vermont corrections officer has been fired and is facing at least one criminal charge after police said he sent nude photos of himself to two underage girls.


  1. Looks like he may be coming back to springfield..this time as a resident of the prison!

  2. Seems there is a very fine line separating the character of the watched from the watchers. Welcome to the "correctional industry", a fancy euphemism for prison management. The jobs are about as far from rocket science and engineering as you can get and therefore they tend to attract the unskilled and untalented, who are substantially more vulnerable to the negative influences from the other side of the bars. Just one sad tale out of what will prove to be many years worth of such fodder in the prison town of Springfield.

  3. As an ex-Correctional Officer, I would like to slap some common sense to the anonymous: Being a CO is extremely difficult and demanding work. Very few can execute the daily tasks that are required. Your average human would lose their mind quickly working for DOC. The job description is endless, and many are genuinely good people who work for DOC and there to support their family. If you think you work your behind off, try being a CO and you will quickly realize it is near to impossible to keep 50+ felons to behave all at once, all day, day after day. You have some less than desirable people working for DOC. The requirements to obtain the position are not set high enough. IN ORDER TO BE A GOOD CO, YOU YOURSELF HAVE TO BE A "CORRECT" PERSON THROUGH AND THROUGH. It takes a courage filled, honorable person to attempt to "Correct" a murderer, pedophile, rapist, crook, thief, gang member, kidnapper to their faces everyday with no gun, OC or cuffs. Think deeper before you slam people who take pride in their Careers while jeopardizing their lives everyday to make a living and keep the community safe please.

      Something I know ALOT about

    2. Absolutely correct, Holton! Many people would be putty in prisoners' hands by the end of the first week, and most of the rest would be clueless goons.

  4. Wow, they said "Guard". Usually when a CO saves a life, they are referred to as a "Guard". But when one messes up, they are referred as "Officer". What a creep and what an ironic story! Many inmates chuckling amongst themselves to this one I am sure. Especially the kiddy units.


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