Friday, May 23, 2014

Cris Ericson seeks high office again

Independent political candidate Cris Ericson is on the official election ballot for the general election in Vermont November 4, 2014 for two offices, for Governor of Vermont and for U.S. Representative to Congress 2014.


  1. Independent? I thought she was a member of the Pot Party.

  2. Nothing wrong with "pot" even your doctor thinks so

  3. Wow. This woman is not who we want representing or leading vermont. She's a slogan machine with zero details on how to bring those slogans to reality. More Pot will save Vermont!!!! Yeah - give me a break.

    1. She would make a great town manager.

  4. Agree with 7:53. Ericson is a total grandstander and publicity hound with no legitimate credentials or qualifications to run a Colorado pot store, much less state or federal government.

    Interesting to note that the admin here seems to be censoring her critics. So much for this sites claim to being "reality based".

  5. But but but....
    Ms Ericson is NoSag's darling as she was instrumental in getting that bad old biomass plant stopped. She fits right in with the crunchy types in North Springfield and Chester. Who needs jobs or technology when you can just kick back, relax and get high?

  6. she'll be better then what we have now

  7. Can't you people see that Vermont towns are dying, especially Springfield? There has to be something changed soon. Maybe some new blood and fresh ideas wouldn't hurt. Just look at the financial gains that Colorado and Washington states have made since the legalization of marijuana? Would you prefer the heroin or pills instead??? Give the common people and the economy a break sheesh!!!!!!!


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