Many well-known icons filled the streets of Springfield Saturday morning as the annual alumni parade made its way through town.

Alumni weekend hits Green Mountain State
By Katlyn Proctor | Jun 15, 2014
Photo by: Katlyn Proctor
Members of the Class of 1979 pose for a photo with their float, the Statue of Liberty.
Springfield alumni parade
The class of 1959 stands with Plymouth Rock. (Photo by: Katlyn Proctor)
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SPRINGFIELD — Many well-known icons filled the streets of Springfield Saturday morning as the annual alumni parade made its way through town.
This year's theme, "Landmarks of the World," was hard to miss. Everything from Lady Liberty to Walt Disney World could be seen cruising down Main Street at roughly 5 mph.
Floats gathered at Riverside Middle School following the parade to show off the hard work and artistic skills of the alumni as they competed for the grand prize float.
The following class floats participated in the parade:
— Class of 1959: Plymouth Rock — "Still Rocking & Rolling"
— Class o 1964: "Our Landmarks 50 years ago"
— Class of 1969: Mount Rushmore
— Class of 1979: Statue of Liberty
— Class of 1984: Hollywood
— Class of 1989: Egyptian pyramids
— Class of 1994: Walt Disney World
— Class of 1999: Egyptian pyramids
Cub Scout Pack 258 also participated in the parade with a float titled "Area 51."
Many of the floats were constructed out of chicken wire, tissue paper and cardboard, while others featured wood products and moving pieces.
Members of the class of 1994 spent roughly one month constructing the float, although the planning began in January.
"It's made with a little of everything," said Marguerite Janiszyn, referencing the made-to-scale Walt Disney Float.
Vendors including Walpole Creamery participated in the event, selling ice cream after the parade to help keep everyone cool once the sun came out. Many classic cars were also on display following the conclusion of the parade, including a 1930 Model A Ford.
Sidewalks were packed as passer-bys and residents alike to view the roughly hour long production.
Alumni weekends were also celebrated in Bellows Falls and Windsor. SHS
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