Friday, June 6, 2014

Police: Man chewed up, spat heroin bags

Police said a Perkinsville man chewed up and spat out small bags of heroin after an officer arrested him for violating curfew.


  1. Another fine example of the Vermont judicial system and its answer to incarceration. Hmmm lets see another case of getting off on charges, ordered through rehab and oh big surprise..back at it again! The only answer is to lock them up and throw away the damn key. These people should be worked so hard in prison that they never want to reoffend.

    1. If u have never ben threw hell u should not open you're mouth!!

  2. @10:46, Any rational person would agree with you. Only advantage being, should he disappear, no one will care and figuring out what happened to him will be a very low, priority.

  3. Did you note who the judge was? Should tell you something.

  4. He should have swallowed them. Lucky he did not spit them on the sidewalk, he would really be in trouble for spitting on the sidewalk. An
    arrest for sure.
    Thank you SFPD.

    1. Again with the San Francisco Police Department - SFPD?

  5. So refreshing to read about a "Perkinsville man" instead of a Springfielder.

  6. the state police arrested him not spfld cops, and this loser has been in and out of jail for years

  7. Contrast the article above with this garbage. Garbage belongs in a landfill. Nuff said.

  8. Joey Bergeron grew up in Springfield and went to school here. He was a loser then too.

  9. So much for the "Three Strikes"


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