Thursday, June 19, 2014

Springfield Vermont demands a strong no loitering law

Springfield resident Kim Bombria will begin going door-to-door within the next week collecting petition signatures for her proposed law that would ban loitering in town.


  1. I agree 100%

  2. (*chuckle) Yeah...good luck folks. And who is going to tell someone to vacate?

  3. What the is comrodery?

  4. GREAT, and I also agree 100%!!! The first of many steps in getting this town back to a place where people want to be, work, live and visit!!

  5. this blog site is a joke,i have left a number of comments on different article's and they never get posted,this site is ran like the town itself,if the management doesn't want to hear it,then nobody gets to see it,all my post's have been well written and polite, it's just that they're not always agreeing with the article,so whoever runs this joke,if you can't/won't let the people say their piece then shut the site down,let's see if this gets posted

  6. This is a joke right? Who is going to enforce it? The police dept? They already have enough laws to arrest and keep these thugs off the streets. The thugs will move on when the residents of Springfield stop buying their wares. Little chance of that happening as long as most of the residents of the town eagerly await their next government check instead of working.....

    1. ... and using ellipsis correctly.

    2. Again, the innocent have to loose rights due not being able to punish and manage the bad guys? This is un-American. I may not ever want to walk through town at midnight, but I have the right to if I want too. You can not take that from me. Anyone willing to give up their rights so easy ought to leave this town and America. I'll fight this to the very end!

  7. Unfortunately, the site that is linked is not a good reliable site. I signed up and started receiving a lot of junk mail and inbox messages from random people. I do not see it to be a legit site..all it will do is add your name to a spam thing to do is stand at Shaws or downtown with a petition and get real people to sign...

    1. I signed the petition and am now having the same experience with junk mail.

  8. nice effort, but many of the problems you yourself identified -- drug use, robberies, beatings, etc -- won't be stopped by an anti loitering law. shooing dirtbags off the sidewalk in front of the wolson block would be like sweeping dirt under the rug: main street might look better, but the problem will remain.

  9. This is just wrong, extremely shortsighted & incredibly foolish. It could have the unintended consequences of causing ppl to gather in locations where they may do foolish things. So, will we be asked for "our papers" or just "warned" to "move along", quietly.

    Perhaps some nice steel-toed shiny boots for the enforcer wilI keep these "loiterers" moving along swiftly, if not, tazers work just fine or so I'm told. Do not think this will pass constitutional muster either.

    Some are mentally ill, some are young ppl just chillaxin but who cares they are ppl, what harm are they doing standing or sitting within the town limits. I think some of those retired Hall Monitors are working overtime.

  10. If we are low on police, who will enforce the no loitering? Isn't it "Un-American" to enforce someone from loitering the streets at night? It's a lose lose situation. The federal and state arms need to establish a plan that will work. If it is only left up to the citizens.....nothing is going to work.

    We'll be back on this blog, complaining about the same if not worse situations, and not a thing that has been proposed and put into play would or will have resolved any of the relevant issues to our towns root issues.

    Do you want Springfield back in its original state? We need lots and lots of people to protest. Many beings presenting themselves to everyone as "fed-up". Action that consists of attending proper gatherings that brainstorm resolutions and present them to the Capital and/or related persons.
    From the skirts of Gassetts, Chester, Windsor, Weathersfield, Perkinsville, Charlestown, Ascutney and Brownsville. (maybe missed one) That is not a dozen people, not a hundred but thousands.

    1. Yeah, lets bring the Feds in to enforce our local no loitering ordinance. And you're right, we need to get all those people out of the skirts in Gassetts, Chester, Windsor, Weathersfield, Perkinsville, Charlestown, Ascutney and Brownsville. Now, that's no place to loiter.......

  11. This is nothing more than just a spam site. I do not understand why it was posted here. The intentions might of been good but whoever took it to this "petition site" went at it all wrong. The site does absolutely nothing, its ONLY purpose is to add you to a spam email list.

  12. What happened to that church group that thought going around introducing themselves to the thugs hanging on Main Street would create a sense of community or some such nonsense? Gave up already did they? LOL.

  13. The title is misleading. One individual has started a petition. That is not the same thing as saying the town has approved it.

  14. Good luck to the people who started this petition of ever getting our local officials engaged or getting the police to enforce it. See another article currently on the blog regarding gross incompetance by our local officials regarding local zoning laws. Another "good feeling" article about Springfield!


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