Tucked behind an old barn used by as a “hippie” commune back in the 1970s, are eight acres of fresh red and black currants and raspberries.

A visit to Cherry Hill Farm in Springfield, VT
Cherry Hill sits at the top of Highland Road on the right before it turns to a dirt road. There’s no sign unless it’s Pick-Your-Own Season and then you’ll find sandwich boards set on the side of their driveway.
Tucked behind an old barn used by as a “hippie” commune back in the 1970s, are eight acres of fresh red and black currants and raspberries.
cherry hill farm (2)cherry hill farm (1)We’re excited to offer their jams at the inn in our little gift cabinet and for breakfast with your toast. There’s something about knowing where your food comes from and meeting the farmers, Peter and Vicky, that makes it all taste so much sweeter.
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