Monday, September 29, 2014

Bolaski misses check-in with police

A delay of five hours on a court-ordered check-in Thursday at the Springfield Police Department landed a man awaiting retrial on a murder charge in hot water.


  1. Judge Karen Carroll, a woman on a mission....everyone should be free!!!!!!

  2. judge carroll strikes again-of course, take the criminal's version over the dispatcher (if it happened the way the dispatcher said, the criminal was trying to put one over on the court) DUH!!!!!

  3. such a honest law abiding citizen,can't do what he's supposed to,but let him walk the streets,stay safe in springfield

  4. once again the blog didn't post my comment,if your not gonna post people's comment then shut shut this page down,we can read the news someplace else that let's you comment

  5. Please Judge I completely lost track of time and what day it was, even though I marked off every day that passed while I was in jail. Maybe it was the drugs? Maybe I should move in with the Judge so she can keep an eye on me personally? Actually I felt if I could shoot and kill someone with no remorse and get away with it I really should not have to report in to the police. It is too petty for a big gangsta like me and Judge Carroll just proved it by sending me back out onto the streets of Springfield. Hahahaha! Who's gonna be my next victim?

  6. The bigger question here is not even about Bolaski. What trust does the Springfield PD have with the court system if the Judge questions if the Detective got the phone call verbatim. He called the police, the call was being recorded by police account, and the Det. Call is questioned if he got the conversation verbatim? Now we all agree this Judge has some questionable practices but is there a message to the Springfield Police Department being sent? And even in Bolaski asked the dispatcher to lie so what! Most people would. That being said I doubt he asked the way the police tried to present it. If there is a tape why would it not be present in the courtroom? Yeah Bolaski did his thing and there will be a retrial then we'll see what happens. In the meantime who's looking at the Springfield PD up-close? Springfield PD, the guys that were afraid of the guy that Bolaski ended up dismissing.

  7. The fact that you can be released on Conditions and picked up in Violation of said Conditions only to be re-released on the same conditions is a baffling concept. I don't care if he was having breakfast with the Pope, the court needs to hold some integrity in these situations, otherwise why are we setting the conditions to begin with? New Charge guilty and held until his retrial for a charge the state already proved he committed. What a joke our Justice System has become.

  8. It's incredible rulings like this that cast an ill light on Judge Hudson's lectures to Springfield on how to confront its crime problem. The judiciary is a major contributor to the mess that our society and our town now faces and for one of its own to preach solutions that outright ignore the role of their own profession in this fiasco is the height of arrogance. Go spend your time fixing the judiciary JH so that the revolving door of injustice can finally be closed once and for all.


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