Friday, September 12, 2014

NY woman denies smuggling crystal meth

A New York woman with no criminal record is accused of smuggling almost $5,000 worth of crystal meth into Vermont.


  1. Fine example of "Scum". Thank you VSP for catching the trash.

    1. True dat

    2. Ahhh.. I see my clone has returned.

  2. A true product of liberalism and all its failings. She only did it to support her children.

    1. "He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker; whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished."
      -Proverbs 17:5

    2. It's not mocking the poor at all. It's mocking the fools that have imposed the systemic failings that produced the poor in the first place. There is no gloating either, but leave it to the truly blind to confuse gloating with legitimate criticism of failed progressive ideology! Wake up and smell the coffee!

  3. I want to know why in the fudge the other men were let go! How stupid are you Vermonters. Ever hear of aiding and abetting? WTH is wrong with this picture

    1. As I recall, JC hung out with criminals, prositutes, and tax collectors. WTH was wrong with that picture?


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