Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Springfield considers school police officer

There might be a school-based Springfield police officer in the future.


  1. Here ya go springfield. It begins again....asking for money that the taxpayers don't have. The risks are minimal as noted by the Superintendent so WHY? would we want to pay an additional 100K out of pocket tax money for this...The ulterior motive is a way to hire more cops and bilk the taxpayers. WISE UP

    1. Why? Well, why indeed! Because it's Springfield, a town that remains in denial of its own plight and failings. A town that dwells in the past, when shops were hopping and tax revenues were flowing. A town whose inept leaders believe can still have its cake and eat it, too - just as long as the cake is at least partially funded by federal or state grants that will ultimately expire and transfer the burden back on to the backs of a declining amount of taxpayers.

      Welcome to the "business" of government, where incompetent busy bodies puff out their chests and point their noses to the sky with an air of importance because they have access to our monies and the power to take more whenever they feel like it.

      Now, Springfielders, please open your wallets and say ahhhhhhhhh!

  2. RE: School nurse Jenny Anderson, who is married to retired Vermont State Police Capt. Kevin Anderson, said some children often have very negative opinions of police from their home experience. To counter that, she said, would be very valuable.

    Another "publicly funded" rube heard from. Oh, I see, Jenny, we need to pay for MORE POLICE in order for kids to develop "positive opinions" of them? And of course, while we're at it, I would assume that we'd also need to raise your publicly funded salary and that of your "retired" hubby, too. Sure, why not. Any amount of money to achieve a "positive opinion".

    1. $210,000 for 3 years? Does this package include a drug sniffing dog and metal detectors?


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