Saturday, October 11, 2014

32nd Vermont Apple Festival

Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin served as a judge in the apple pie contest at today's Apple Festival.   Two other judges are seated in the foreground, Puggy Lamphere and U.S. Congressman Peter Welch.

The Official Apple Lady-- Aggie Mark!apple-festival/ceoa


  1. So Shummie and Welch were in town. Wonder if they headed up Park Street to check out the neighborhoods. Great views going by the old candlelight bowling alley, Parks and Woolson, Park Street school, Jasinski's abandoned market, and the 1802 stagecoach inn now empty due to the ineptitude of the city to oversee a water infrastructure upgrade. Their motorcade could have then buzzed down Union Street to complete the picture on its way back to Clinton Street and past the abandoned shops.

  2. Excellent Festival this year!

  3. Broke in Springfield10/13/14, 9:49 AM

    Mmmmmmm........I guess they can have their pie and eat it too. Or wait is that our pie and eat it too! Where are the Three Stooges when you need them.

  4. Good points 8:51. Let's see, was this "photo-op" event before or after the gubernatorial debate in which Shumey said he wants "opportunities" for“ more students” and is focused every day on increasing “jobs, economic opportunity, and quality of life” for Vermonters.

    I also couldn't help but notice this DemoRAT took personal credit in his opening remarks of the debate for having “…built two businesses, successful businesses in Vermont”. Say what? We now all know better than that according to Shumey's DemoRAT buddy Barry “You didn’t build that” Soetoro!

    Maybe if we can keep shoveling enough delicious Vermont apple pie into Shumey's shameless pie hole we can shut him up and make him go away to his beach house in the Caribbean - permanently! And let's hope he has a guest room there for Welch!


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