Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bleeding man climbs into woman’s car

A Springfield woman said she escaped serious injury Tuesday morning when a heavily bleeding man jumped into her car on Craigue Hill and demanded to be driven away.


  1. wow what a scary thing to happen to someone. I am just glad that Mrs. Neronsky wasn't physically harmed during this. This could have ended a lot worse.

  2. “You could tell his pockets were empty,” she said. “It takes a lot to shake me.”

    Yet she was apparently shaken enough to have hit the wrong "button" and rolled her window down!

    1. superman makes a comment

  3. Unfortunately it's just the same old names being caught and then releases out the court system's revolving door. I'm just glad the woman wasn't hurt and police happened to be close!

  4. Wow. Glad to hear you're ok Brenda. As far as the maggot out on conditions of release who was allowed to do this... Hello vt superiors judges governors anyone who's a lot smarter and caring than us moron civilians friggin lock this trash up or toss em in a ditch where they belong

  5. " Lynch, who was charged in July with heroin trafficking in Springfield.".....probably running free on "conditions of release". I wonder who the judge was in July. Hmmmmm......

    1. It wasn't Judge Judy !!!!

  6. Too bad this didn't happen to the judge who let the guy out.

    1. You got that right my friend.....!

  7. To bad it didn't happen to me or one of my close friends that are well armed and trained. This repeat offender would have ended up in such good shape.

    1. You got that right my friend. :)


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