A fight about a card game at the Rutland jail ended with one man going to the hospital and a new criminal charge against the other, according to Vermont State Police.

Published October 7, 2014 in the Rutland Herald
Jail fight leads to criminal charge
By Brent Curtis
staff writer
A fight about a card game at the Rutland jail ended with one man going to the hospital and a new criminal charge against the other, according to Vermont State Police.
On Sunday, police were called to the jail at 4:18 p.m. after detainee Keith D. Gaston, 27, of Arlington, allegedly punched 18-year-old Alex Corbosiero, who is incarcerated on pre-trial charges, in the eye.
Police say Gaston followed Corbosiero, of Springfield, into cell C-8 and punched him once causing what police described as a “serious” injury.
Corbosiero was taken to Rutland Regional Medical Center where he was treated and released.
Gaston was charged with aggravated assault and issued a citation to appear Nov. 10 in Rutland criminal court.
What Gaston was behind bars for is unclear. Police say he was held awaiting trial on a charge unrelated to Corbosiero but did not say what type of offense he was charged with.
Corbosiero has a number of pending criminal offenses.
In May, he was charged with aggravated first-degree domestic assault with a weapon after he allegedly threatened to cut off his younger cousin’s head.
In July, he pleaded innocent to felony counts of aiding in an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, aiding in a home invasion, acting as an accessory after the fact and a misdemeanor count of petty larceny. Those charges were connected to a June 11 shooting on Summer Street in Springfield where a gun was used that police believe Corbosiero stole.
Investigators say Corbosiero stole a .45-caliber handgun from his stepfather’s residence. That handgun, police say, was used by Leon Jiggetts, who is charged with attempted second-degree murder for allegedly using the gun to shoot teenager Joseph Atkinson on June 11.
Next time let us know before hand so we can place bets.