Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Police: Driver did 110 mph with child in car

A Springfield man was arrested Monday evening after traveling at 110 mph with a 7-year-old child in his vehicle along Interstate 91 in Springfield, police say.


  1. But no one was injured and I'm sure the child never experienced the "cruelty" that is alleged by the specious charges.

    This is NOT NEWS, it's just "coulda, woulda, shoulda" nonsense that's printed to needlessly stir people up.

    1. So, you think it's ok to drive around going 110 mph with an unrestrained child in the car??? Is this person someone you know and so you are making a very sad and ignorant attempt to defend what they did? Luckily, no one was hurt, or worse, but it doesn't make it ok to do.

    2. You are obviously just another indoctrinated lemming. This is a rare exception, but it receives sensationalized attention, to the extent that they have to trump up the charge to "child cruelty". I'm glad you're so submissive to a tyrannical government because it will be much easier for you to accept it as it gets worse and they come for you!

    3. LOL! 3:55, you are such a whimp. Generations of real Americans grew up zooming around, "unrestrained", in cars and trucks (and tractors) and we're still here to talk about it! We survived WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT'S LAWS AND LECTURES on vehicle operation and parenting! Thou art just another sad testament to an increasingly neutered and dependent society.

    4. Do you buckle up your kids? I DO!! Let me tell you from seeing first hand what happens to a child when they are in an accident unrestrained. My Dad and Grandparents owned Exit 7&8 Mobil's with 7 having a wrecker, they held the contract from the Springfield police and the Vermont State Police in Southern Vt. When I was a child going for a ride in the wrecker was awesome!!! Then the call came in my Dad had to take. I had to go on this wrecker call, because we were coming back from BF and were to far from home in N. Springfield, and would have had to drive right by anyways. I saw a 10 year old girl, who wasn't buckled, and her Dad was going 80mph and went off the road striking a tree. The child was ejected from the car, which then rolled over her, before it came to rest some 100 yards away. There was nothing left to her, she had been crushed, her blood was everywhere. She died an awful painfull death on the cold ground, but not right away. She got to lay there and suffer waiting for help that wouldnt have been able to save her. Her father had only a cut to his eye. The police arrested him for that night, and it was the last wrecker call I ever went on. This ass should be happy it was just cruelty to a child and not manslaughter. I can't believe you idiots are saying suck it up, we grew up without wearing them. How many people, friends, family, have died in car accidents in your life?? I don't like the government anymore then anyone else, but seatbelts are common sense.

    5. Live Free Or Die in the Green Mountain State

    6. The law is what it is, kids need to be seat belted and there are speed limits. It is not 1950 anymore and times have changed. You can not compare then to now. *Shakes head*

    7. Hey 7:08......by your reasoning, your dad should have been charged with cruelty to a child for making you witness that horrible fatality.

  2. Scumbag for putting a child in that kind of danger. He should be tuned up by a "Man". That would straighten up his crooked brain for him, don't ya think? Look at this guy, he's a cockroach! Certainly not from Springfield, VT.

  3. If you're gonna drive recklessly atleast have some deadly drugs in your car man come on. Silly rookie. The state would accept a plea deal to drop moving violations if you plead to drug charges. Eventually drug charges get dropped because vt judges could care less and in time you're back in the saddle my friend!

  4. chuck gregory10/15/14, 7:42 PM

    We are the ones who survived; before jackbooted government thugs curtailed our right to be free by imposing child passenger safety regulations, 28,000 kids a year used to die. Every parent knows it's the law to have his/her child restrained, and any parent who refuses to do so is putting the child in the way of serious harm. The charge is more than justified in this case.


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