Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Emmons wins again, Forguites to Statehouse

Democrat Alice Emmons of Springfield will again represent the Windsor 3-2 district in the Vermont House after she cruised to re-election Tuesday along with first-time candidate Robert “Bob” Forguites.


  1. I came to this site looking for some good news........oh well!!!

  2. Stupid is as stupid does. Nothing changes. The town continues its decline. The feckless politicians keep smiling. BOHECA!

  3. you would think that people would want new young blood working for us,but no,they vote for the same people over and over,now we have BOB,our future is not looking to bright.

    wish i could afford to move

    1. They really didn't have a choice. The only option they had was a write in candidate who was a libertarian wingnut..

  4. The depth of voter/citizen complacency is stunning. It's as though they have been induced into a trance or such a malaise that they care not even THINK about how ineffective are these IDIOTS that they continue to vote for. Emmons and Forguites will now spend another couple of years under the radar preening themselves with the anointed flock in Montpelier, picking up their per diem checks while depriving Springfield of competent, proactive, engaged representation. It's sad, but it's Springfield's own brand of insanity.


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