Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Friends of Springfield Town Library host annual holiday open house
Residents of Springfield and the surrounding area gathered in the Springfield Town Library Friday, December 12 for the library’s annual holiday open house.
Friends of Springfield Town Library Host Annual Holiday Open House
Submitted by VT Journal on Tue, 12/16/2014 - 10:11am
SPRINGFIELD, VT -Residents of Springfield and the surrounding area gathered in the Springfield Town Library Friday, December 12 for the library’s annual holiday open house. The event was sponsored Friends of Springfield Town Library, and began at 6 p.m. and concluded at 7:30 p.m. Music was provided by the Comptu Chamber Players, and a raffle that included prizes of gift baskets and gift cards for area businesses was also part of the event. A children’s raffle was also held and a boy and girl winner were selected that received children’s gift baskets. Proceeds from the holiday open house benefitted the Friends of the Springfield Town Library (FOSTL) and all the money from the event will go to library improvements that are not covered in the town budget for the library.
“I’ve been involved with Friends of Springfield Town Library for around eight years and we’ve been putting on the holiday party for at least that long,” Rosanne “Bunni” Putnam said. “This event is a fundraiser for Friends of Springfield Town Library and it helps to supplement the budget that the town gives to the library.”
Money from events that are sponsored by FOSTL, such as the holiday open house, goes to numerous different library projects, Putnam said.
“We’ve helped raise the money for the new cabinets for the historical collection here,” she said. “We also bought new folding chairs, a new podium and provided the funds for the new library sign out in front. Friends of Springfield Town Library pays for things that the town doesn’t have the money to do.”
According to Putnam, FOSTL consists of eight members, but anyone is eligible to join as FOSTL does not have elected members. Those that are a part of FOSTL are all volunteers.
Putnam also said that the holiday open house is usually well-attended, and that she was pleased with the number of people that attended this year’s event.
“People seem to enjoy this event, and the attendance this year is comparable to year’s past,” she said. “My favorite part of the holiday open house is visiting with friends and neighbors and seeing all the people
- See more at: http://www.vermontjournal.com/content/friends-springfield-town-library-host-annual-holiday-open-house#sthash.8q20yHtv.dpuf

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