A Springfield resident was arrested for possession of heroin and active arrest warrants on Wednesday, Dec. 3 after a routine motor vehicle stop.

Springfield resident arrested for heroin possession
By Staff reports | Dec 06, 2014 S
BELLOWS FALLS — A Springfield resident was arrested for possession of heroin and active arrest warrants on Wednesday, Dec. 3 after a routine motor vehicle stop.
Jennifer Cook, 27, of Westminster, Vermont, was pulled over at approximately 8:29 p.m. on Route 5 South in Bellows Falls. Members of the Bellows Falls Police Department soon learned that Cook was operating with a criminally suspended operator's license.
She was issued a citation to appear in Windham Superior Court Criminal Division on Jan. 27, 2015 to answer the charge.
Her passenger, Michael Farnsworth, 25, of Springfield, held active arrest warrants, which were issued by the Windham Superior Court Criminal Division.
Upon further investigation, an undisclosed amount of heroin was discovered. Farnsworth was then transported to the Southern State Correctional Facility for the active arrest warrants.
Additionally, Farnsworth was issued a citation to appear in Windham Superior Court Criminal Division on Jan. 27, 2015 to answer the charge of possession of heroin.
3rd arrest, at least, since February, all for possession or dealing....cut him loose on conditions Judge Carroll....oh, and for a good laugh, click on and enlarge the picture accompanying the post.......
ReplyDeleteLOL! Good call on the pic 10:15! That is funny as hell! O and judge Carroll has a ten strikes policy b4 u even get your wrist slapped
ReplyDeleteDidn't this kids dogs get shot not long ago & bodies stuffed in trash bags? I think the cops were telling him something by doing that. I felt bad wen that happened, but, bottom line, he is a scum that is helping destroy our community and its youth. His dogs were his alarm for anyone attempting to rob his house for the drugs. What is up with the pic? He thinks he is something huh? He thinks he is a big shot, scoring with junky women who depend on his drugs.....if he only knew what being a man entails.........
ReplyDeleteThat whole dog story was bs. All those druggies wanted was some sympathy and to pitch everyone against the police. I had even seen them down at Shaw's holding a home made sign saying something about the dog incident. It was ridiculous. If they spent that much time cleaning themselves up and getting away from all the drugs and illegal things that they are doing, maybe, just maybe, they could start to lead a productive life and give their kids a normal upbringing. It makes me sad to think that these people keeping having children when they cant even take care of themselves. I wonder how those kids will turn out.....SMH
DeleteI was one of the 2 people standing down by Shaws. I'm not family to them. I'm not friends of theirs. I'm not on welfare and I actually hold a very respectable job here in town. I am college educated and believe me my children are my world. I really wish that instead of assuming that I am a druggie or a welfare mom, you would have read my sign. It stated that I believe there should be non aggressive canine encounter training in place in Vermont. I believe that drug dealers should get what they deserve. But not at the expense of killing animals. Guard dogs or not.
DeleteSorry, thats not what I had seen standing at Shaws. Must of been another day.
DeleteThe dog story was true. They happened to be happy loving family dogs who were adored by children and not drug guard dogs. They werent even mean. Also Michael was sober at that time. And for the comment he thinks he's big shot scoring with junkie women I happen to be his wife and we have been married almost 4 years and I'm no junkie never used a drug in my life nor will I ever so before you go running your mouth get your facts straight. As foe the person who wanta to assume his kids aren't taken care of and will grow up wrong think again they have a mother who loves them and takes care of them and left their father BC of his actions and continuous choices. He is choosing that life and drugs over his family and I choose my kida over him so they can grow up happy and loved. So before you go off being judgemental and running people down know what the hell your talking about. From what I've heard Michael isn't selling the drugs he was caught with there for himself. Not defending him at all after everything he's put Us through just saying.
DeleteWasnt this kid stopped in mass with over 300 baggies and was selling them back this spring? Doesnt sound like he's SOBER to me. Wasnt your mom on the BF police fb saying this kid was worthless along with you and his own sister..boy your stories arent believable. ..you change your tune every week!
Delete"only for himself" Please....He's been caught numerous times, he's a junkie, he sells, he's an informant. And you want to "JUSTIFY" why he has this crap on him...stay classy lady.
IN MY OPINION....The dog story was exaggerated by these people to gain sympathy and to get the focus off them. Seems like they spend a lot of energy fighting to get this story out when they might spend that time fixing their lives or getting away from the drugs. To his "wife" if you are clean and sober and raising his kids then good for you, I wish you the best but you cant run around trying to make excuses for him and I have a question for you, if this dog story is as you say, then where are the police reports? where is the news coverage? Where is your lawyer who should be working on it? I see lots of words but nothing backing it up.
DeleteSomething fishy going on here. ...this was all over the springfield pd fb page and now it has dissappeared. Makes one wonder..or not. Pd helping this pos out???
DeleteYou people know nothing. You can't exaggerate two dead family members in garbage bags at the end of a driveway.
DeleteHope Welch, there is a lot of things that are not making sense in the whole "the police killed my dogs" story. Sorry, but I ain't buying it. There is absolutely nothing to back that story up but the words of a few druggies. Where is all the news coverage or the lawyers ready to sue? I would think with a story like that, there would be media all over it or lawyers standing in line. I wasn't there, I cant say what happened but I just can not believe everything that is being thrown out there. Credibility is important and I don't see much of that in any of the people throwing accusations around. There could be a lot of scenarios that happened, someone could of killed those dogs and left them there as a threat or a drug deal gone bad. When there is no proof, then people like me can have our own opinions, like it or not.
DeleteJudge Carroll needs to go! I whole heartedly believe that if the punishment was tougher and not laughable, the Heroin epidemic wouldn't be even close to as bad as it is now. These low life's know that if the go to court and have Karen Carroll or Michael Kainen they will be let off to go deal again.
ReplyDeleteJust ask Jesse and Eugenia Emerson, how many times will that duo be arrested before they are locked up?
Overcrowding in jail can be fixed easily, anyone who is in jail for life without the possibility of parole could be sent away to a deserted island to live out their days.
I'm sorry if this come across a little harsh but I'm sick of my town being the laughing stock of Vermont .
Remember years ago when the state was releasing a con named Emerson, the rapist, who maxed out time served without being rehabbed? The town did a big push on him not being released to Springfield. He eventually went to Alabama and raped a senior citizen there. We don't need or want these broken, sorry excuses of society in our town! Get rid of the Turning Point, HCRS and all the organizations that thrive on broken excuses of society. Let's get this crap out of here. Reestablish a State of Vermont Mental Hospital for these criminally insane convicts. Lock them up!
DeleteI often said that this town is a "welcome mat" for all the mentally unstable, the drunks and the druggies. Look at what we have here. How many "sober homes" are there in town? The turning point is suppose to be helping these people, all it does it bring them all together! Then we have HCRS and a crisis center. Also there are many homes around town that house the mentally unstable. ALSO how many scum landlords around that keep renting to known druggies and pushers? Many are sucking money from welfare which make the scumlords happy that they get a consistent check every month. Its never going to end, soon all that will be left are the scums, its a shame
DeleteYou do realize tho, that the people you mentioned have grown up in the town, and are not from some where else? Maybe if there was more support on these kids from the beginning, and less blaming on others.
DeleteNo, not all the people I mention are from this town. There may be a few who grew up here and never left but there are many who come here on buses, are let out of the jail or are just transients passing by. There are a lot of resources in this town for people who are struggling, its up to them to seek it out. Support for kids? Kids are not going to do anything unless their parents take a little more control over them then letting them run the streets!
DeleteHe skips leg day....
ReplyDeleteThe people who visit the Turning Point are trying to fix their lives. That takes hard work. They are engaged in a daily battle with their weakenesses and sins and failures. For some it's literally life or death. Not all of them win, but the twelve step programs and counseling they receive at places the Turning Point are among the most successful treatments for substance addictions.
ReplyDeleteThe people attending Turning Point are not the danger, it's the wasted addicts who are still out there and not in a treatment program. A place like Turning Point does not draw drug users to a town, it helps reduce the drug problem. Without it, addicts who really want to fix their lives and who are willing to go through the long, difficult process would have little or no recourse.
Some of the addicts in Springfield grew up here, some came from elsewhere. Some came from good families, some didn't. Addiction happens, here and everywhere. It's a disease some people get. Every town needs a place with resources to help the ones who are willing to try to get better. Or do the righteous ones just want to shoot them all and throw them in the landfill?
The people who attend these agency's take, but you never see them give. AA meets at the 1st Congo Church, AA people this fall were standing around smoking while the church did their fall clean up. Afterwards the church had to pick up the butts off the ground. Jeez, they could of helped the older folks outside raking and doing fall clean up. Part of the problem, or part of the solution? Until they truly take ownership, society will put a label on them. You can be poor, but you don't need to live in filth. Police your own trash, don't need to leave it for somebody else to clean up. Ladies and gentlemen we can understand demons, but we don't want or need your drama! And clean up after yourselves, and give back something to the society that gives to you! Don't see them in church on Sunday!
DeleteAmen brother or sister, amen.
DeleteI would rather my kids play with a loaded gun, than ever try heroin. Why can't we incarcerate these that are KILLING our children? Judge C needs to leave the bench. The judge's interpretation of bail is tantamount to total neglect of the law.
ReplyDeleteBail is imposed only to assure the defendant will attend the subsequent proceedings. If the judge has no reason to believe the defendant is a flight risk, she has no reason to imprison him or punish him financially before he has been judged guilty.
ReplyDeleteSorry to correct you (again) Cuck...In addition to the seriousness of the charged crime, the amount or lack of bail usually depends on factors such as a defendant’s past criminal record, whether a defendant is employed, and whether a defendant has close ties to relatives and the community.
DeleteJudges may legally deny bail altogether in some circumstances. For example, if another jurisdiction has placed a warrant (hold) on a defendant, a judge is likely to keep the defendant in custody at least long enough for the other jurisdiction to pursue its charge. And bail may be denied to a defendant who is likely to flee the jurisdiction before the case concludes.
Wrong again Chuck. Or a danger to the public. Please stop pretending to be a qualified internet lawyer.
ReplyDeleteSays the anonymous lawyer haha! ^
Delete12/15 11:34: You have a crap taste in men. Do yourself a favor, have some self respect and get a real man that is worthy of marriage.