Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) held its 2014 annual meeting Thursday, Nov. 20, at their headquarters in Springfield.

HCRS honors staff at annual meeting
Jan 06, 2015
SPRINGFIELD — Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) held its 2014 annual meeting Thursday, Nov. 20, at their headquarters in Springfield. The meeting was attended by more than 150 board members, staff and community members and highlighted the successes of programs and staff during the past year. In addition, a new documentary on the agency titled “Inspiring Hope” was presented.
George Karabakakis, CEO, presented HCRS’ annual Community Partnership Award to Lynn Boyle, field services director for the Vermont Agency of Human Services, for being a remarkable partner with HCRS for more than 25 years. Her commitment to collaboration and teamwork, as well as her positive, “can do” attitude, have been the hallmark of her style.
Year-end Encore Awards were presented to the following staff for going above and beyond in demonstrating HCRS’ values: Jennifer Chambers (Team Leader II), Eric Dickson (B3 Service Coordinator), Kathy Duhamel (Senior Program Coordinator), Becky Gilbert (Case Manager II), Jillian Holden (B3 Service Coordinator), Jayne Stout (Case Manager II), and Jenny White (Residential Developer).
Karabakakis handed out the following service awards to staff, honoring them for 715 years of combined service to the agency.
An award for 40 years of service was given to Dr. Theodore Robbins (Psychiatrist).
An award for 30 years of service was given to Teresa Boni (Clinician II).
Awards for 25 years of service went to Lynn Burdette (DS Adult Services Manager), Katherine Duhamel (Senior Program Coordinator), Daniel Piteau (Residential Specialist), Lori Schreiner (Children’s Brattleboro Area Manager), Brad Sewall (CRT Clinician II), and Greg Veresan (Site Manager).
Five awards were presented for 20 years of service: Karen Aldrich (Area Office Manager), Robert Burdette (Employment Manager), Joan Egbert (Senior Employment Specialist), George Karabakakis, Ph.D. (CEO), and Shirley Roy (Administrative Assistant).
Fifteen-year service awards were given to Stuart Copans (Psychiatrist), Karon Eagles (Case Manager II), Hiromi Komura (Service Coordinator), Philip Sharp (Residential Specialist II), Jane Smith (Case Manager II), and Julie Taylor (Community Outreach Specialist).
Ten- year service awards went to Dr. Kathleen Allden (Psychiatrist), Jeanette Austin (Medical Assistant), James Bartley (Case Manager II), Veronica Colby (Generalist I), Earl W. Cook (Kindle Farm Para-Professional), Paul Cooper (Case Manager II), Judith DeLance (Medical Records Specialist), Terence Flood (Kindle Farm Program Coordinator), Greg M. Fuller (Kindle Farm Para-Professional), Anthony Gillam (DS Team Leader II), Shannon P. Lamb (Kindle Farm School Teacher), Heather Lockwood (Administrative Assistant), Rick Logan (Facilities Manager), Jennifer Marandino (CRT Site Manager), Emily Mastaler (Chief Operating Officer), Edmund H. Moore, IV (Chief Financial Officer), Tamara Simmiolkjier (DS Employment Specialist), Nancy Sirlin (Hartford Area Office Manager), Jayne Stout (Case Manager II), Rose Wheeler (Case Manager I), Cora Willis-Cooper (DS Specialized Residential House Leader), and Pamela Young (Technical Support Manager).
Awards for 5 years of service were given to Erin Boxer (Adult Outpatient Clinician II), Jennifer Chambers (Crisis Team Leader II), Kenneth Colburn (Care Coordinator II), Cindy Dominique (Case Manager II), Travis Finn (Generalist I), Shaun Frazee (Behavioral Interventionist), Amy Graves (Nursing Services Manager), Jillian Holden (B3 Service Coordinator), Vanessa Lane (Adult Services Assistant Director), Keryn LaVarnway (Funding Specialist), Eric Luebbert (Case Manager I), Jamie McClelland (Field Coordinator), Janet Potter (Crisis Intervention Specialist), Mary Rasco (Community Outreach Specialist), Stefanie Rosso (Case Manager II), Shammi Shoemaker (Residential Coordinator), and Jenny White (Residential Developer).
HCRS is proud to honor these staff for their years of dedication and service. It is their commitment to the agency that helps HCRS provide quality programs and services.
Gifts of appreciation were also provided to board members whose terms were expiring — Allen Dougherty, Kimm Dittrich, Virginia Jenks and Tamara Richardson — all of whom served HCRS so well during their tenure on the board.
Founded in 1967, HCRS is a nonprofit, community mental health agency serving Vermonters in Windham and Windsor counties. For more information regarding HCRS programs and services, please contact George Karabakakis, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, at (802) 886-4500.
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