Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Springfield Restorative Justice serves community

In Springfield, one organization that is trying to help individuals that have served prison sentences re-integrate into the community is the Springfield Restorative Justice Center.


  1. um probably not a good idea to put this propaganda out because we don't buy it or believe it

  2. What ever happened to the plan of getting rid of these criminals after they get out of prison and not have them hang around Springfield? Odds are they will be back to their old ways and Springfield citizens will be their prey. Another dole program creating more future dole users with the tax payer monies going to a select few.

  3. Tony Petrillo2/4/15, 6:23 PM

    There are certainly times when these efforts fail and people go on to commit more crimes. I have known several young people who have been the beneficiaries of these services for first offenses, and, then gone on to stay clean with nothing on their record. Even if only 1 in 10 benefitted, it is worth all the effort and expense.

  4. Anonymous, please be more careful about saying, "we". You are not my spokesperson. Or are you a monarch?

    The organization described is apparently part of the Department of Corrections. Anyone paying state taxes is buying it. Believing is different. Statistics of reduced recidivism, which seems plausible, are mentioned, but no citation is made.

    This is obviously intended as part of the jail system that tries to get offenders back into society without their just picking up where they left off before their incarceration. I.e., the exit function. Does it work? Can't tell, but it's probably a good idea.


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