Friday, March 20, 2015

Former church secretary faces new criminal charges

A former Springfield church secretary faced new criminal charges this week after she allegedly lied about money problems to get money from church parishoners.


  1. Holly Aldrich is a truly, despicable human being. As family member to one of her victims, I am repulsed how she pedatorily targeted the most frail and vulnerable in our own community. I hold no hope Judge Karen Carol, the patron saint of criminals will ever extract justice or protect us. Alas, karma will yield a balance.

    Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

  2. I knew Holly a few years ago. We worked at the same company. She was a smart generous and beautiful girl. It just goes to show you what drug addiction does to people. What lengths people will go to, to feed their habits. I don't condone what Holly has done to people,,some her friends..She is a very sick girl that needs help. I hope she gets it. If Holly's introduction to drugs was via a drug dealer, he should be taken out, a rope put around his punk neck and hanged until he is dead.

    1. Drugs will ruin a persons life and hope that Holly will seek help to return to the person she was. But hang the dealer? It required a dealer and a user to create this problem. Everyone involved needs to learn a lesson but the end result will most likely be another slap on the hand from the court in WRJ.

  3. I'm beginning to believe you can commit any crime you wish in our fair town and our wonderful judges in WRJ will have you back out on the street within hours of your arrest to continue to prey on the community.


  5. A drug addict has a disease, that until they are pulled away from, have very little control over their actions. A drug dealer or distributor however has a choice. They choose to take advantage of addicts. As far as I'm concerned they are the worst slime, pond scum walking around. They should be simply eliminated if caught. Pure and simple.

    1. In this case, and many others it was our Docs who prescribed opiate pain killers knowing they are addictive. Once addicted, they end the script, and then the dealers take over. That said she has had numerous opportunities at very nice rehab facilities for extended periods of time, comes back clean and chooses to go right back to it. It's very sad to see, but doesn't necessarily excuse the person, especially when they are stealing/ scamming from often vulnerable folks.


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