Monday, March 16, 2015
Open Meeting
Springfield High School Library
Present: Jeanice Garfield, Steve Karaffa, Ed Caron, Laura Ryan, Ken Vandenburgh
Also meeting with Board: Zach McLaughlin, Superintendent; David Cohn, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment; Steve Hier, Director of Fiscal Services; Ryan Cooney, Student Rep.; Judy Spaulding, Recording Secretary.
Also present: Bob Thibault, High School Principal; Bindy Hathorn, High School Assistant Principal; Kathy Wyman, Director of Special Services; Mike Griffin, Hugh Putnam and Brenda Richardson, Budget Committee Members
Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.
Changes and Additions to Agenda
There is a need to have an Executive Session for Administrator Contracts
Announcements and Recognitions
Citizens Comments
Jeanice read expectations and guidelines for public participation at board meetings. Steve K. was appointed as time keeper. There were many students, parents and community members in the audience and approximately 20 people spoke in support of Gary Harris, who was the varsity football coach this past fall season. His contract will not be renewed with the district. Many asked for a reversal of this decision stating that he had helped to turn the program around into a positive experience for the players. It was said that he was more than a football coach; he was a role model and a father figure to some of the players. They spoke that the program needed the consistency in coaching staff to keep the program moving forward. Mr. Harris was in attendance and denied the allegations of wrong doing. Zach McLaughlin said that he was unable to answer questions as they were personnel issues and decisions which could not be discussed publicly. Jeanice thanked everyone that came to express their opinions and support for Gary. The Board has heard their message and appreciated their attendance.
Steve K. moved and Ed seconded to accept the February 23, February 25 and March 12, 2015 meeting
All in favor
Motion passed.
Board Representatives/Board Committees/Admin Reports
- Board Committees
- Building Committee - No report
- River Valley Technical Center – The report was handed out at the meeting
- Admin Reports – contained within the packet
- VSBA sent out an alert that is crucial for people to hear. The Vermont House is poised to impose a cap on school budgets for all Vermont school districts. The House Education Committee first passed a 2% across the board cap on increases
per-pupil spending. A new proposal would put a 1.5% cap on increases in education spending or per- student costs. Our legislators need to hear from us. Jeanice has contact information for them.
Financial Business
- Warrants were signed. No questions were asked.
- Financial Report for February – Currently there is an approximate $168,000 surplus. Both the fuel and the substitute lines are expected to be over budget. There were no other questions from Board.
Old Business
- Student Voice in Education Governance Proposal – Ryan Cooney
- Ryan passed out a draft proposal for a second student representative on the Board. It outlines reasons for the student rep, how elections would take place, eligibility,
post-election requirements, responsibilities, and possible costs associated with position. Ryan hopes that action could happen on this request as there is work to be done to begin this process. Ryan thanked the board for their support. Zach recognized the work that Ryan put into this second position.
Ed moved and Ken seconded to approve a second student representative on the Board.
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed.
New Business
- Possible Contract Award
- Park Street School Greenhouse Demolition & Infill
- Steve Hier spoke to the greenhouse in the rear of the building on the second floor. It has deteriorated over time and has been budgeted to be removed. The option to refront with brick was not as expensive as had been anticipated. All Seasons Construction had lowest bid of $25,851 for Option 1 that includes the brick refronting. Steve H. recommended going with Option 1 low bid.
Ken moved and Laura seconded to award the bid for the Park Street Greenhouse Demolition
and Infill to All Seasons Construction for the amount of $25,851.
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed
- School Choice Transfer and Capacity Limit proposal - Bob Thibault
- School boards are charged with establishing “Transfer Limits” and “Capacity Limits” for School Choice. Bob suggested that the board approve a Transfer Limit for 2015/2016 at the state guideline of 40 students and with regards to Capacity Limit, the board approve 30 students.
Steve K. moved and Ken seconded to approve the cap for school choice at 40 students for a
Transfer Limit and 30 students as a Capacity Limit.
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed
- New Athletic Director Job Description – Bob Thibault
- The current Athletic Director (AD) has resigned. This gave an opportunity to look at the position and discuss possible changes. Bob recommended having an Athletic Trainer serve as the Athletic Director for one full time position. The AD would serve both Riverside and the High School. Currently the AD is a .5 position for the High School and the Riverside AD is a stipend position. The benefits of having this position being full time would include attracting a better pool of candidates. The person hired would not be able to hold a coaching position giving them the opportunity to be at all home games. This would provide extra protection for our student athletes. The salary is set as a
non-union professional staff and will not be an administrator position. There was discussion as to who this person would report to. They would go to the Riverside administration for a middle school issue or to the High School administration for a high school issue. The chain of command could be added to the job description. Their home base office would be at the high school. Bob would like to have a Board member on the hiring committee.
Steve K. moved & Laura seconded to accept the new Athletic Director job description
Vote: all in favor
Motion passed
- Teacher Contract Negotiations “Bringing Balance to the Bargaining Table” Workshop
- Zach included this in the board packets. Vermont School Boards Association is offering four six hour workshops that would be helpful for board members to attend. Ed has signed up. Ken and Zach will also attend.
- Reduction in Force (RIF) Discussion
- There will be two teachers effected and will need to receive notice of RIF prior to April 1.
- Kevin Coen – He currently has a 1 year English position covering for the leave of Susan Hunt who is currently in a .5
K-12 Support Teacher position in the Academic Resource Center (ARC) at the High School. If the .5 ARC position opens back up, Susan may take another 1 year leave and Kevin would be called back to another 1 year English position or he could go into the .5 ARC position.

- Stephen Lawrence – He served as a long term sub in a Social Studies teaching position at the High School for the first semester and is in a grant funded second semester
K-12 Support Teacher position also at the High School that will not continue beyond the 2014/2015 school year.
Ken moved and Steve K. seconded to accept the Superintendent’s Reduction In Force list.
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed
- Administrator Contracts Renewal
- No discussion in the Open Meeting. The decision needs to be made on these contracts prior to April 1. The board will meet on Administrator contract renewals and make a decision on Wednesday, March 18 at a Special Board of School Directors Meeting.
MOTION: Steve K. moved and Ed seconded to recess the open meeting to enter into executive session for
Administrator contracts at 8:06 pm
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed
Executive Session
High School Library
Present: Jeanice Garfield, Steve Karaffa, Ed Caron, Laura Ryan, Ken Vandenburgh
Also meeting with Board: Zach McLaughlin, Superintendent
Entered into executive session at 8:15 pm.
Discussed administration contracts.
Jeanice declared the Board out of executive session at 9:00 pm.
Executive session minutes taken by Ed Caron, Board Clerk
Ken moved and Laura seconded to adjourn the meeting.
Vote: All in favor
Motion passed
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Spaulding, Recording Secretary
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