Community mourns Springfield shooting victim Wesley Wing
Police say Wing was shot near his neighborhood by Gregory Smith on April 18
UPDATED 7:19 PM EDT Apr 28, 2015
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Stevens estimates over 100 gathered on April 28 at the United Methodist Church in downtown Springfield to mourn the loss of 37-year-old Wing.
"He was a family man, loved the outdoors, easy-going, and he would certainly help anybody, literally give you the t-shirt off his back," Stevens said.
Stevens used to work construction with Wing, and said the service was a great tribute to his friend.
Stevens said, "it was very fitting, obviously it was a great turn out, a lot of friends and family that knew Wes."
Many community leaders attedned the funeral and later gathered for a Project Action committee meeting to discuss ways the town can continue moving forward.
Springfield selectboard chairman Kristi Morris shared ideas the group had for reducing crime. He said one of the solutions is a software system to be used by the Springfield Police Department. It will allow residents to enter what they believe are suspicious locations on a map.
"It's not an end-all for the solutions that certainly just identifies certain areas and its going to depend on the community to chime in for the areas of concern," Morris said.
Stephanie Thompson of Project Action said the group's efforts are to prevent tragedies like the April 18th shooting from happening in the community.
"We need to continue moving our work forward, pushing harder than ever to really get to the root of some of these problems," Thompson said.
Although it's been a tough week, Stevens said he hopes the service for Wing has helped the community gain a sense of closure.
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