Monday, June 15, 2015

Change in governor could spell change for Springfield recovery center

The director of the Springfield Turning Point said he’s worried Vermont’s next governor will not support drug and alcohol recovery as vehemently as Gov. Peter Shumlin.


  1. And we anxiously all await a new governor to end this constant slapping of the wrist of criminals. Hopefully the next one will lock the offenders up instead of giving break after break after break. And the addicts? Let them go through detox once without any drugs and that will cure them.

    As a society at large we are sick of seeing our state and national laws walked on by some do gooder out to make a name for himself and make money off his investments. Enough already. I have said it before..HOW MANY inmates that were released from Alcatraz ever re-offended? NONE because it was such an aweful place they never wanted to go back. POINT MADE!

  2. The Turning Joint needs to go anyway. There are already enough magnets in town to attract the inevitable recidivists.

  3. The U-Turning point has proven beyond question to be a liability to our community. The tax exempt facility has attracted a legion of undesirables that idly loiter there throughout the day. Unemployed, uninsured, chain smoking, derelicts and addicts only focused on what they can steal to fund their next score.

    As so appropriately mentioned in the article, this repugnant element is now the primary patient service of our hospital ED. (Verified fact.) Such uninsured parasites and their ilk have financially impacted local healthcare to the point our hospital is financially insolvent and talented, young doctors and dentists in private practice are foolish to come here.

    What's so damn hard to comprehend that for a community to thrive it must appeal to successful, young professionals? The U-Turning Point is counter to that absolute cornerstone of prosperity.

  4. Kudos to 1:01 for hitting the nail on the head! Springfield has become the island for misfit toys and it has markedly lowered the town's quality of life and imposed huge costs on a municipality that can ill afford them.

    Out with the Turning Joint!


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