Friday, July 24, 2015

Steampunk Festival: Victorian-era, Sci-Fi Fantasy

Organizers of the first-ever Springfield Steampunk Festival gave an update of their plans.


  1. Apparently food is abundant in the steampunk genre

  2. What's with the lanterns? I mean this photo was clearly shot during the day.....

  3. Hey, it's a costume party! I want to be a pirate.

    How is it Stellafane attracts several thousand scientific leaders and successful professionals from around the world, yet gets little press and minimal support from the community? Very likely have dozens of ambitious, well educated entrepreneurs and engineers that other depressed towns are helpless to lure. Yet the opportunity sits in our laps and our esteemed development officials are too damn stupid and lazy to make a play for it.

    1. ".....Stellafane attracts several thousand scientific leaders and successful professionals from around the world....."


      Nothing against the laudable work that Stellafane does, but please don't print just detracts from your credibility and point.

    2. Actually around a thousand. A little more, a little less depending on the weather. Stellafane has the advantage of a 90 year head start.


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