Thursday, September 17, 2015

Springfield resolves property dispute

The town's new electric car-charging station has prompted a boundary adjustment between the town and Claremont Savings Bank.


  1. The town provided in-kind services as its portion of the project.what are in-kind service's and how much did it cost the taxpayers

  2. This is just another "if we build it they will come" pipe dream project like the new signs, brick sidewalks etc. How many people will utilize this? They state this will bring people downtown to shop etc. The cart is going in front of the horse here. Serious efforts need to be made first to encourage business development, and provide incentives for working people to buy homes and move here. The window dressing doesn't do it, tax breaks for businesses, and lower property taxes would. It's all about the bottom line. Springfield has too many negatives already, it's way out of balance. No more slumlord apartments, prison half way houses, sober houses, hcrs apartments! Wake up!

    1. So what do we do instead of halfway houses, sober houses, hcrs apartments? Please provide next steps instead of just saying...NO MORE!

    2. Create some real incentives for businesses, and make it as attractive as you can for people to buy homes and property here. Start with property tax reform, tax breaks for businesses etc. Of course it will be difficult if everyone keeps voting blindly for the town budget and Alice.

  3. So visitors can shop in Springfield? Really? Where?

  4. Springfield native9/17/15, 5:39 PM

    My question is how much does it cost to charge an electric car there? I have been told it's free, if so, I want to get an adapter to charge my cell phone, drill and whatever else I can.

  5. I am still yet to see a car being charged. Has anyone else seen it in use?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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