Saturday, January 30, 2010

The big January chill

After enjoying a relatively balmy January thaw last week, Springfield just experienced 48 hours of very cold weather. Although the thermometer barely made it down to below zero one night, the accompanying wind with gusts up to 30 m.p.h made it feel truly arctic out.

Springfield Hartness State Airport
Weather Observations - January 27 to January 30, 2010
WeatherSky Cond. Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)
AirDwpt6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr6 hr
3011:54N 710.00FairCLR11-7 30.161022.9
3010:54E 310.00FairCLR5-9 30.211024.6
3009:54E 610.00FairCLR2-10 30.221024.8
3008:54N 510.00FairCLR1-12 30.231025.1
3007:54NW 710.00A Few CloudsFEW021-1-13 30.231025.3
3006:54W 810.00FairCLR-1-13 1-230.221024.7
3005:54NW 610.00A Few CloudsFEW027-1-13 30.201024.2
3004:54W 610.00FairCLR-1-14 30.181023.6
3003:54W 10 G 2010.00FairCLR-0-15 30.181023.5
3002:54W 910.00FairCLR-0-15 30.191023.6
3001:54W 12 G 1710.00FairCLR1-15 30.171023.1
3000:54Calm10.00FairCLR1-15 7130.161022.6
2923:54Vrbl 6 G 2210.00FairCLR2-14 30.141021.9
2922:54W 910.00FairCLR2-14 30.141022.3
2921:54Calm10.00FairCLR3-14 30.151022.6
2920:54W 13 G 2110.00FairCLR4-14 30.13NA
2919:54Vrbl 5 G 2810.00FairCLR6-14 30.12NA
2918:54W 15 G 2410.00FairCLR7-14 12730.12NA
2917:54NW 12 G 2610.00FairCLR8-14 30.10NA
2916:54W 20 G 2910.00FairCLR10-14 30.10NA
2915:54NW 15 G 2510.00FairCLR11-14 30.08NA
2914:54W 20 G 3010.00FairCLR11-14 30.07NA
2913:54NW 12 G 2310.00FairCLR10-15 30.07NA
2912:54NW 14 G 2410.00FairCLR10-15 30.05NA
2911:54NW 9 G 2110.00FairCLR9-13 30.06NA
2910:54W 17 G 3010.00FairCLR8-13 30.09NA
2909:54Vrbl 5NANANA8-12 30.09NA
2815:51W 15 G 230.25 Heavy Snow Freezing FogBKN003 OVC0162926 29.731007.50.020.02
2814:54SE 53.00 Light SnowOVC0143025 29.711007.1
2813:54SE 32.50 Light SnowBKN016 OVC0252924 29.741008.1
2812:54E 52.00 Light SnowOVC0162823 281829.781009.2
2811:54SE 54.00 Light SnowBKN018 OVC0242822 29.841011.5
2810:54SE 610.00OvercastSCT022 BKN048 OVC0802720 29.891013.0
2809:54S 67.00Mostly CloudySCT029 SCT037 BKN0462619 29.921014.2
2808:54Calm9.00OvercastFEW070 OVC0802218 29.951015.0
2807:54Calm8.00FairCLR2017 29.961015.6
2806:54Calm9.00A Few CloudsFEW1201915 211729.981016.1
2805:54Calm10.00A Few CloudsFEW1101915 30.001016.9
2804:54Calm9.00FairCLR1714 30.021017.5
2803:54Calm10.00FairCLR1814 30.041018.2
2802:54Calm10.00FairCLR1815 30.051018.4
2801:54Calm8.00FairCLR2016 30.041018.1
2800:54Calm9.00FairCLR2016 292030.051018.3
2723:54Calm8.00A Few CloudsFEW0452217 30.041018.1
2722:54Calm10.00Partly CloudySCT0552318 30.061018.7
2721:54Calm10.00A Few CloudsFEW0492418 30.051018.5
2720:54Calm10.00FairCLR2518 30.051018.3
2719:54Calm10.00A Few CloudsFEW0452618 30.041018.2
2718:54Calm10.00Partly CloudySCT0472718 342730.041017.9
2717:54Calm10.00Mostly CloudyBKN0503118 30.011017.0
2716:54W 1010.00OvercastOVC0503318 29.991016.3
2715:54Calm10.00OvercastOVC0503322 29.981016.0
2714:54SW 510.00OvercastSCT035 OVC0473321 29.971015.6
2713:54NW 510.00OvercastBKN037 OVC0443421 29.951014.9
2712:54NW 79.00 Light SnowBKN039 OVC0473322 363229.941014.4
WeatherSky Cond. AirDwptMax.Min.altimeter
sea level
1 hr3 hr6 hr
6 hour
Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)

Data is from the National Weather Service
For the latest NWS 3 day
Springfield weather history, go here:

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