# # # # Elks Student Of The Month • Elks_Miss_Ladd_Web • Simret Ladd, a senior at Springfield High School, was chosen the first recipient of the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560's Student of the Month for February. • March 24, 2010 • One the many new assignments from the Elks National fraternity was that all Lodges would install awards for local Student of the Month programs. Springfield's Elks recently named their first. She is Springfield High School senior Simret Ladd. • Ladd is the daughter of Dr.'s Dan Caloras and Sheila Kendrick of Springfield. • The Student of the Month Program is sponsored by the Springfield Elks Lodge in an effort to bring recognition to outstanding youth in the area and administered by the Springfield High School Student Council. • Students of the Month are selected from a pool of nominees who are submitted by students and staff at Springfield High School. The Student of the Month is then selected by a majority tally in a vote by the staff of Springfield High School, nearly 100 professionals. • Nominations for Student of the Month are accepted until the 15th of each month, and are then selected at the following Monday meeting of the high school staff. • Recently Ladd was active in planning a blood drive and recruiting new blood donors for the event. • Scholastically, she has consistently achieved honor roll or high honor roll at the high school. Additionally, Ladd is in her second year of the Human Services program at the River Valley Technical Center. At RVTC, Ladd is a member of the National Honor Society and serves as a Student Ambassador for new and prospective Technical Center students. • Upon graduation, Ladd plans to attend George Washington University in Virginia to study nursing. After completing college, she hopes to join her brother in Ethiopia to take part in the public health field. • •
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Elks Student Of The Month
Simret Ladd, a senior at Springfield High School, was chosen the first recipient of the Springfield Elks Lodge #1560's Student of the Month.
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